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Has this Player Maxed Out?

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From: G Khan
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Date: 4/14/2012 12:32:42 PM
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23 year old, Perennial All-Star with $67K salary.

Jump Shot: wondrous Jump Range: prodigious
Outside Def.: wondrous Handling: proficient
Driving: prominent Passing: strong
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: strong
Rebounding: pitiful Shot Blocking: average

He hasn't popped in 6 weeks of training (2 position training of OD, PA, JS rotation). Should I stop training him?

From: kLepTo

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214489.2 in reply to 214489.1
Date: 4/14/2012 12:52:32 PM
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Yes, I would stop training him. As an SG, that JS/JR really took the majority of his training potential. I'm not saying he can't pop anymore (there's no hard cap), but I don't think it would be worth your time.

From: G Khan

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214489.3 in reply to 214489.2
Date: 4/14/2012 1:54:10 PM
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Thanks. But I'm really hoping for one more skill point in js, of, ha, dr, pa and is. I've seen PAS guards with salaries of $90+, but I wonder if he's reached his soft cap?

From: Hopson

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214489.6 in reply to 214489.1
Date: 4/14/2012 4:42:32 PM
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Why is JR higher than JS? JR is supposed to pop in JS training. Awesome trainee! Although I would want 1 more JS,DR,+2PA,and another OD. Maybe he has a lowsubevel or somethin in his potential? Check the game manual.

From: Texas

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214489.7 in reply to 214489.1
Date: 4/14/2012 5:01:04 PM
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According to Buzzer Manager your player is at 95-100% of his potential. So technically he still has a little breathing room but you're probably better off turning to other players as your priority.

From: Tortuga

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214489.8 in reply to 214489.1
Date: 4/14/2012 5:27:37 PM
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I'd say he has more pops in him still. It'd be a shame to get his JR so high and leave the JS.

After that if you want to train DR+H you'd be onto 2 position training anyway meaning you'd waste less potential training minutes if it turns out he's popping too slowly.

From: G Khan

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214489.9 in reply to 214489.6
Date: 4/14/2012 5:37:48 PM
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I bought this player last month. Whoever trained him, trained Jump Range quite a bit. More than I would have. But I was hoping or thinking I could train him up a little since he's 23. And you're right, there are sublevels for potential. But I've seen PAS described as $95-$140 salary as a range so I thought him being at $67 would give me room to polish up his skills. But I haven't gotten any pops even though my 24 year old All Star (salary of $35) is popping every now and then.

From: G Khan

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214489.10 in reply to 214489.5
Date: 4/14/2012 5:42:34 PM
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I check on the transfer list occasionally to see PAS with salaries of $70K or more. There are a lot of guards with comparable skills at this price level. Some of the centers go up to $120K but I know enough to disregard those comparisons. I've seen the forum help manuals and it suggests that PAS can have a salary cap range of $90-$140 depending on sublevel. But perhaps that info is outdated due to seasonal salary adjustments? Anyway, I figured some experienced owners can take a quick look at the skills and salary and say either "dude has reached his soft cap" or "dude has some room to go".

From: G Khan

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214489.11 in reply to 214489.7
Date: 4/14/2012 5:45:18 PM
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Thanks. Don't have an alternative trainee anyway. So I guess I'll plug along with him in the training rotation till next season and see what results I get.