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USA - V.63 > Ready for playoffs? ACK!

Ready for playoffs? ACK!

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From: Czarina
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Date: 4/22/2012 7:50:04 PM
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This season has been pretty interesting. Seeing where we are now from where we started. We've had some regulars and some shockers. And what in the world is treyballers doing??? Seriously dude, put those big guys away! Good game this past Saturday, I'll see you in the first round. LOL anyway I've made a few changes in my line up but I'm not certain I'm gonna like them. Seems I made some sudden and not thought out purchases ACK! now to sell a few of my favs :'(

ok so what are y'all doing to get ready? hopefully not panic shopping. (probably not, I seem to be the only girl in these parts hehehe)

This Post:
214881.2 in reply to 214881.1
Date: 4/22/2012 9:43:28 PM
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Timeout! your a girl #1 in the Big 8 tells me something

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214881.3 in reply to 214881.2
Date: 4/23/2012 9:56:52 AM
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Excuse me???
What does it tell you???
WAIT lemme see who won our last game *ahem*

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214881.4 in reply to 214881.3
Date: 4/23/2012 12:59:25 PM
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Dont take it the wrong way im saying you can manage a team well. And you won your game with one of my star players out*Ahem*. O yea and let me correct how a word my sentence because it seems like you take things the wrong way.
Your a girl! Timeout, #1 in the Big 8, tells me something. Basically im saying you can manage better then alot of these guys.

Last edited by BigBadWolf at 4/23/2012 1:04:10 PM

This Post:
214881.5 in reply to 214881.4
Date: 4/23/2012 4:37:01 PM
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LOL, I am joking

And why shouldn't a woman manage better? hmmm?

(sometimes you guys are so easy to get flustered)

P.S. Best hope I'm not PMSing during playoffs

From: Eddyk

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214881.6 in reply to 214881.1
Date: 4/24/2012 7:50:23 PM
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im on hell of a winning streak with everyone healthy now!
I hope they stay healthy through the playoffs so I have a shot at winning this year.

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214881.7 in reply to 214881.6
Date: 4/24/2012 11:34:20 PM
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Holy shit... I scored 172 points in a game....

From: Czarina

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214881.8 in reply to 214881.6
Date: 4/25/2012 3:39:19 PM
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You are SCARY! with those big guys. Oh heck, I'm scared of half the teams here if you want to know the truth LOL. And Sniper, you really ticked me off winning that game. I was furious and pouting for days! *blush* Good game though, I'm gonna try to make sure that doesn't happen again but who knows? Just when I think I've got it something breaks or needs tending.
I hope all our guys stay healthy across the division, that way the best team truly does promote. But then again managing our players health is part of the game too. I had to learn that lesson when a few of mine who were supposed to be out 1 week, turned in to 3 weeks! :O Don't you hate that???!!!??? I had a minimum doc, Took me some time, but I figured his witch doc knowledge and whacking the players with his healing stick wasn't working. (you get what you pay for I guess) So, I got the next level up, a basic doc (he tells me he's an acupuncturist). My players aren't sure the needles in the toes are helping their jump shot but I convinced them to give it a try. hmmm.... Every time I think I get something figured out in this game there's a whole new layer to sort out.

Oh I do so hope they stay healthy, all of them, across the division. *phew!* And stop surprising me guys! It's not nice to fluster a lady. Weren't y'all taught manners? It's ladies first ya know. *wink*

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214881.9 in reply to 214881.8
Date: 4/25/2012 10:34:48 PM
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172 points *draw dropping* that team cleary had no D.FENSE

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214881.10 in reply to 214881.9
Date: 4/26/2012 12:16:41 AM
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Clearly I was all offense. Scared yet?

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214881.11 in reply to 214881.10
Date: 4/26/2012 7:41:31 PM
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Uhhhh No? y would i be scared