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Training when only four players on the field?

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Date: 4/23/2012 12:23:28 PM
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Hey guys... wanted to know i your players receive training if you do not send five guys on the field but the games still takes place as normal... and what about if it doesnt take place (0-25)?

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214919.2 in reply to 214919.1
Date: 4/23/2012 12:29:19 PM
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if the game takes place, you receive training minutes.

if the game is a walkover because you didn't send enough players, you don't receive training minutes.

if the game is a walkover bacause your opponent didn't send enough players, you still get training minutes as follows:
starter -->36min
backup -->10min
reserve -> 2 min
one thing to note here, if you place a player as starter-backup-reserve, the minutes dont add up to 48 but rather something around 43. its an important factor.

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214919.3 in reply to 214919.1
Date: 4/24/2012 5:18:37 AM
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just to add up.a walkover takes place if send less than 3 guys to play.3 or more,the game will be played as a normal match and the actual score will be displayed.