Well since your 17-5 and theres no chance of promoting unless you win your league you have to do what you think will give you the best chance of winning. I would Playoff normal against your first opponent since your going to need to CT the 22-0 team with the most enthusiasm you can get in order to win.
Looking at their team and at yours I would suggest playing 3-2... this is because your outside defense is only inept-mediocre range so you would strengthen it by playing 3-2 to average-respectable range. Also your inside defense is strong so you can afford to give a little of it up in order to raise your outside D. if you do M2M i feel like your guards would get crushed...
As for how you should play the 22-0 team... thats a hard one. Personally i would go Motion and inside box and one since 2-3 didnt work against him the last time you two played... but other suggestions may be helpful..
Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs