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playoff advice

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From: SammyO
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Date: 5/4/2012 9:16:57 AM
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Any advice for my game tomorrow. I was counting on being able to play TIE/Normal in the playoffs until I reached the finals. That would be my only advantage over the BIG 8 winner in my league because I know they have to play CT against each other. I am a better team than my opponent RDKin, and have HCA, we both have the same enthusiasm...but is it worth the risk of losing just to play normal and conserve enthusiasm for the finals?

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215650.3 in reply to 215650.1
Date: 5/5/2012 5:11:35 AM
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i think you should play normal enthusiasm if you think that you stand no chance against the opponents that follow later. if you think that higher enthusiasm will help you win later in the series than try it.