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Cup money bug

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From: Sluuge
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Date: 5/24/2012 1:25:51 PM
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I have seen this bug being reported before.. but even though my game is still in the 1st quarter, I already know I won because when I go to "Manage My Team", $50.000 has been added to my available cash.

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218629.3 in reply to 218629.2
Date: 5/24/2012 2:09:23 PM
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I don't agree. Even when the games are going on, you still have to manage your team. What if you're in a bidding war, and all of a sudden you got 50k more to spent, but you didn't want to know the result of the match as of yet, should you let a player slip, even though you might have been able to afford it? No logic in that.

From: Mayeah

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218629.4 in reply to 218629.3
Date: 5/24/2012 11:46:30 PM
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Thats a really really really specific circumstance men.