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My training is bugged

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From: Uros
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Date: 5/25/2012 9:33:01 AM
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I know that you're busy with global bugs, but I'm pretty sure that my training is bugged.
Here's one of my player:
Age: 20
Height: 6'9" / 206 cm
Potential: hall of famer
Jump Shot: prominent Jump Range: strong
Outside Def.: inept Handling: respectable
Driving: mediocre Passing: atrocious
Inside Shot: mediocre Inside Def.: proficient
Rebounding: strong Shot Blocking: awful

Since popping to strong in jump range( the 20th of january, he was 18 years old then), he has received SIX outside shooting traning (one position and 48+ minutes each time) and two Jump Shot training. But still, he has not popped to proficient. Can you please check it?

Thank you very much

Last edited by Uros at 5/25/2012 9:33:30 AM

From: BB-Marin

To: Uros
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218722.2 in reply to 218722.1
Date: 5/25/2012 10:07:18 AM
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Second Team:
Outside shooting trains slower for tall players. He will pop soon, I guarantee it, just don't give up.

From: Uros

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218722.3 in reply to 218722.2
Date: 5/25/2012 6:29:50 PM
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Let us do a little mathematics: in the ideal conditions, outside shooting is supposed to give you a pop in jump range every two weeks while jump shot is supposed to give you a pop in jump range every eight weeks. So, outside shooting gives 50% of a pop and jump shot gives 12.5% of it.
By now, my player have received 325% (6x50 + 2x12.5) of what is needed to have a pop in ideal conditions. Since he hasn't popped, he has received, at best, 30.76% of what ideal conditions training gives. And that is if you consider that when he popped to strong, he stopped right at 8.00.

30.76% of the full training, once again in the best case scenario, is a little disconcerning for me I must admit...

From: Foto

To: Uros
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218722.4 in reply to 218722.3
Date: 5/25/2012 7:12:01 PM
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Second Team:
Let us do a little mathematics: in the ideal conditions, outside shooting is supposed to give you a pop in jump range every two weeks while jump shot is supposed to give you a pop in jump range every eight weeks

Is supposed doesn't mean it's 100% true
Your numbers are for 18-19yo players (and I would say three weeks, not two), with proper heigh and before cross training appeared, and these are not official numbers.
Isn't he having pops in any skill or is just an outside shooting issue?

This Post:
218722.7 in reply to 218722.5
Date: 5/26/2012 4:39:16 AM
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I might be 20 years old but those 6 outside shooting and 2 jump shot trainings begun when he was 18 years old...

And my trainer is level 5.

From: Uros

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218722.9 in reply to 218722.8
Date: 5/26/2012 9:41:25 AM
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your experience may lay creedence to the idea that OD is also a big factor for elastics of JR.

And PA too...