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Suggestions > Suggestion to make teams "tanking" less

Suggestion to make teams "tanking" less

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From: Eagle
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Date: 5/28/2012 7:16:41 PM
RSC Eagles
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Since "tanking" can really take all the fun out of the game for managers playing against such teams, a&nd also because i reccently read the following piece of news (following section), i would like to make some suggestions to make teams "tank" less :

"It has come to our attention that there is an increase of teams ‘tanking’ - losing games on purpose. We understand that tanking decreases fun for other managers, be it the opponent in the match or other league members, and are currently discussing whether or not a game change is required to make tanking a less desirable strategy. If a decision to make this change is reached, you will of course be notified beforehand."

I came across thie piece of news by you, and would like to make a suggestions to make it less attractive :
When teams are "tanking", they generally will sustain a bigger defeat, meaning losing with a greater point difference. So i would like to suggest, that the more a team loses in points difference, the greater the impact on the amount received via the fanshop (in economy).
Also, the other way around, when a team wins with more point difference, also the positive impact in the fanshop revenu should be bigger.
And also, it should have an impact on the supporters, those coming to watch the next game as well as in the supporter inquiry that happens by the pr-manager.
That way, with those 2 impacts, teams will think twice before deliberately tanking a game, because it means negative impact for them on their economy, but also positive impact for their opponent on his economy.
And i'm pretty certain, if those were the consequences of tanking and thus losing big, managers won't certainly tank so quickly anymore !

best regards,

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219023.3 in reply to 219023.2
Date: 5/29/2012 12:10:39 PM
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If you're blown-out/garbage time occurs.

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219023.7 in reply to 219023.6
Date: 5/29/2012 5:26:09 PM
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alright, if it is not their 1st or 2nd season of creation... and they are blown out to where it could be garbage time by halftime. Thats tanking?

There are ways to do it.

From: Mayeah

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219023.8 in reply to 219023.1
Date: 5/30/2012 10:22:34 PM
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And what about when you have to give away one league game to win the cup match?

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219023.10 in reply to 219023.1
Date: 6/1/2012 1:13:20 PM
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I think one of the big issues with this game is that recent games are weighed too heavily. I think replacing how a team played in their last game with how they played in their last 8 would help fight tanking.

I also think that having a salary min for a player to be transferred into certain leagues could help. Maybe make it 1/20 of the salary floor or something with the exception for 18 and 19 year olds.

I also wonder if a ticket sale pool would be feasible. A certain amount of money from league home games (say 10 percent maybe) would be taken and place into a pool and then a payout at the three end points of each league session (Conference set one, interconference, conference set two) would be a award to where you are in the standings. 0 percent to last place and an increase to first place. This would cause no new money into the economy but would reward winning at all points during the season.

From: yodabig

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219023.11 in reply to 219023.1
Date: 6/2/2012 6:34:06 AM
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There are much easier ways to avoid certain sorts of tanking. It is easy to increace the salary floor as that mechanism is the one real leagues like the NBA use. When teams forefit they need a special penalty and a simple previously discussed one is forefitting their weekly TV money as well. This could also apply to teams that suit up less than five players. Perhaps that can also be extended to losses of 100+ points to stop teams just suuiting up 3 scrubs and creating a massive blowout that can affect the league even more badly than a forefit.