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Suggestions > Team Chemistry

Team Chemistry

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From: Axis123
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Date: 6/11/2012 8:22:31 AM
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I think this would be a great idea, not just to help with the tanking and buying up to not get relegated in the last few weeks issue but as another element to the game.

Fundamentally, the longer a team plays together (up until a certain point), the better their players' performance.

The multiplication factor would depend on how many weeks the player has been in the team. When the player joins the team, he has a range of -4 to -2 on his stats (similar to bad GS), then after ever week, he grows slightly until he becomes a random figure between +7 to +9 on his stats.

Perhaps, although it would make it more complex, players could have an extra stat which determines how well and how quickly they get along with their (possibly new) team.

Make sense? Sound like total nonsense? What do you think?

From: Kukoc

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219936.2 in reply to 219936.1
Date: 6/11/2012 8:43:07 AM
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Not again, another team chemistry suggestion... Did not bother to browse the suggestion forum?

From: Axis123

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219936.3 in reply to 219936.2
Date: 6/11/2012 8:59:26 AM
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I didn't. My apologies.

I hope I don't upset anyone.

From: Kukoc

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219936.5 in reply to 219936.4
Date: 6/11/2012 1:16:00 PM
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Because I'm not a native english speaker, my responces or writings sometimes feel a bit offencive. I did write some messed up stuff when I was pissed about something (weather it was rl matter or BB matter). Nowdays I try to avoid forums when I am upset:) Different opinions are needed, not everyone likes the same flavor ice cream;)