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Suggestions > Make U21 more important

Make U21 more important

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Date: 06/12/2012 04:09:39
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Hi! I was thinking about that a few seasons now. What's the point in having U21 competition, except having it just for sake of...existing?

You have two kind of players for U21: Those who later won't enter senior NT and those who will. The former have low potential (Superstar or less) and latter have MVP or more.

My belief is you can't have same training regime for future NTers and those who won't be on NTs. If you train a lot of primary skills which are more important for U21 than NT, your future NTers will have a hard time training out of position later (example: 200k center on PG), while your low-potential U21 candidates will fulfill their potential too soon (example: 60k PG with no shooting skills).

So both players, those with high and those with low potential, have their problems when training for U21. That's why I think you should put more importance on U21 than now for making their worth while. Senior consolation tournament, for example, yields next big tournament's host. What does U21 Worlds yield? Nothing. Wouldn't it be great if whoever wins something with U21, his country's senior NT benefits from that? At least U21 would have a greater meaning.

Last edited by Koperboy at 06/12/2012 04:10:49

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219985.2 in reply to 219985.1
Date: 06/12/2012 04:17:58
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imho it would reduce the meaning of it, since it will put them clearly below the senior Nt when it means let our U21 win something so that the senior profitate from it.

I like the U21 competion more, and i think it is way more challenging also for the coach, and i am not 100 confessed, that ignoring the secondarys is the only way to succed there. Imgho some of the today secondary are more important, and few U21 player will end in a position where off position training is impossible then.

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219985.4 in reply to 219985.2
Date: 06/12/2012 04:42:46
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Ok, I kinda agree with both. But this:

and i am not 100 confessed, that ignoring the secondarys is the only way to succed there.

Well you certainly can't produce a PF with great JS or an all-around SF. And if you want a PG that shoots well, you have to sacrifice either OD or PA training. Same with Centers - if you train too much of 1 on 1 for SF/PF, you don't have enough ID or RB at the end. Then your center gets outrebounded and/or outplayed.

NT are for the big dudes in the upper part of the first division. You can't really think to train one the player and have him in your club when he reach the NT. Instead, you can have an U21 player in every division and each draft brought you a chance to have your own future U21 star or the opportunity to buy one from your country or a small country. It's within training reach.

That I guess is true. U21 really makes some newer managers train better than they would if U21 didn't exist. I just didn't want something like this to happen:

Me: Hey you, get your Superstar to train like I want and we will be World Champions!
Manager: Ok boss, you got it!

four seasons later
Manager: Hey boss, we are wolrd champions! What should I do now with my 22y old 120k Superstar that was built for U21 only and doesn't fit in my team because he's got bad secondaries?
Me: Uhmm...sell him for cheap?


Last edited by Koperboy at 06/12/2012 04:45:16

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219985.5 in reply to 219985.4
Date: 06/12/2012 05:00:06
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Well you certainly can't produce a PF with great JS or an all-around SF.

the second part was something i got when i was u21 trainer(and he got into my team with 19 played longer then with 20 yes great starting skill but one season less training and thereofr max on the balance side competive), the first i would recommend a bit also for C.

if you train too much of 1 on 1 for SF/PF, you don't have enough ID or RB at the end. Then your center gets outrebounded and/or outplayed

but you do the same on the other side, but i wouldn't spare on Rb to much.

The thing is when you create missmatches, on other areas you end up still with high but not so high salary and still can form him in other areas. I am not saying just train JS for PF.

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219985.7 in reply to 219985.1
Date: 06/12/2012 18:13:47
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For me both competitions - U21 and NT are equal.
(Note I'm former NT coach).

four seasons later
Manager: Hey boss, we are wolrd champions! What should I do now with my 22y old 120k Superstar that was built for U21 only and doesn't fit in my team because he's got bad secondaries?
Me: Uhmm...sell him for cheap?

I have no problem with this situation. I consider this game as "you can have everything, but you can't have everything at the same moment". So you have to set your priorities and choose goals. It's for example like Tour de France - we have few jerseys: yellow, green, white with red dots, and now it's practically impossible that one cyclist could win in all classification. However nobody complains it, I can say even more, it makes TdF more interesting.

Last edited by B.B.King at 06/12/2012 18:16:14