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Suggestions > Rules of Conduct

Rules of Conduct (thread closed)

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Date: 6/13/2012 6:34:38 AM
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maybe suggested before maybe not:

Should be common sense... but, I have seen good amount of name calling, trolling, general talking down to other people like they don't matter, elitism, etc. in people's forum posts. I admit, I have even partaken in some. Seems to me like something written should be put down into the "Rules of Conduct" section so that there's written record of it.

We encourage all of our users to have fun with the site in any way they desire.

However, in the interests of keeping the game fun and fair for all users, there are a few very important rules to which all users must adhere.

Is currently written in it at the very top. But seems to me, many different people have a different interpretation of this. I'm pretty sure some people don't find it fun to be publicly humiliated, just as some people find it fun to publicly humiliate others. Also, is it fair if some "expert" guy, ostricizes newer members, strutting aorund like a peacock. Thus usuing his influence to have other people form opinions about people?

Like I am trying to make point of, I know it should be common sense, but heat of the moment catches you, s--- happens. I feel like there should be an established written warning in the Rules of Conduct.

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220059.2 in reply to 220059.1
Date: 6/13/2012 8:47:57 AM
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I think you were both warned to stop name calling by a GM. Adhere to their warnings maybe?

In all seriousness and truth, it doesn't matter who wins the argument. It's an online game. No one can really be publicly humiliated. No one can be physically hurt.

Have some more fun!!

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220059.3 in reply to 220059.2
Date: 6/13/2012 9:52:25 AM
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In that instance yes there was a warning. But if you look through other Threads.

In particular I can see some instances with E.B.W. and Tough
as well as some involving Ramquizhbo

These things happen, warnings aren't always there. Seems common sense, but some people lack common sense, and others in the heat of the moment spend their common sense on a foot in the mouth.

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220059.4 in reply to 220059.3
Date: 6/13/2012 10:01:54 AM
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I've always found it interesting that almost everyone thinks that they are one of a few with common sense.

I don't know why there are "heat of the moment" issues in an online game...

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220059.5 in reply to 220059.1
Date: 6/13/2012 10:18:06 AM
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we are pretty cautious with forum bans, and when you cross the borders in heat some post get deleted and maybe you get an extra warning by mail depending on the severity of the insult.

Not sure what you really want, but interpreting forum rules always have to be aware of the situation around and the intention of the posters. if we have such strict rules who could be processed automatic, there would be either plenty active trolls or an enviroment which makes it impossible to talk. So yes moderating depends lot of the feeling and impression of the current gm, and we see judge thing differently through different backgrounds and impression. Even when we try to moderate on the same level.

For me it look like you want to talk about current cases, which is forbidden in the forum rules so that i close this one.