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Suggestions > Money from BBB

Money from BBB

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From: Kukoc

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220233.6 in reply to 220233.5
Date: 06/16/2012 08:54:24
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Do you even understand what is the difference of BBB and Euroleague for example? Everyone in BB can get to BBB. In real world, there are big rich clubs and small poor clubs. There is no chance in real life (yes I said it, zip, zero, nada) for Estonian IV division (we did have 4 divisions, but now we have 3 nationwide divisions) club to ever reach Euroleague (hell we can't even get our divI teams there). Everyone in BB can get there. One example is currently playing there from Estonia.
Giving out huge bonuses in BBB would give the teams a big edge over their countrys managers. Pocketing 20k per win is acceptable, if there has to be a prize at all.

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220233.7 in reply to 220233.3
Date: 06/17/2012 12:10:57
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What about Champions League? The richest teams participate there and for one win they take 1,1 m, and only 32 teams participate

i'm at the BBB and i believe i take the competion serious and i am good with the cash prices.

If they get higher, there is a risk that beeing in the BBB is your ticket to qualify there.

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220233.9 in reply to 220233.8
Date: 06/17/2012 14:20:20
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i believe in the past the early round of the BBB have a impact similiar to the Cup, but you played elemination matches from the begin now you have 8 guaranteed games and the money shrink. Else you would earn a lot of extra cash, without extra investing for the cup you need extra personell on your paylist, the BBB is played arcade(which is good cause it ensure that really the best team play) and the honour i get beating Dragones is the main gain.