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Suggestions > NT Rivalry History

NT Rivalry History

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From: Bballin
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Date: 6/23/2012 4:02:11 PM
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I made a post in Minor Suggestions a few weeks ago. Got 3 balls, but no replies. So either the idea is perfect or no one really saw it :P Plus I figure it is not THAT minor. Ill copy and paste what I wrote here: (202503.314)

I don't know if this is minor or not, but I think it probably is. Anyways I would like to see something similiar to 'Rivalry History' except for NTs. The way I picture it is that on the specific NTs page(lets say Canada U21 as an example) there will be a link called Rivalry History(just as an example). Anyways, when clicked this link would take you to a page that would show that NTs(Canada U21) Win-Loss-PD-Win% against every NT(U21) in BB. It would be in order of most wins or best win %. In my mind it looks like the NT rankings page except the wins and losses stand for how many times that NT has won or lost against the other NT. In the end I could see it turning into a flag chasing type of thing for all U21 and NT managers since scrimmages would count(since they effect rankings). So I could see U21 and NT managers scheduling scrimmages against teams that the country has never played before because I highly doubt that any team has played every team in BB at least once. It would turn into a race to play every country once and a race to beat every country once. It would also be cool to see who your country cannot seem to beat and who your country cannot seem to lose to. I don't know, just a random thought that popped into my mind :P