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Date: 7/7/2012 9:33:06 PM
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my last game i had no bench players com einto the game when it was suppose to rotate then when hey where tired.. My opp undermanned his team with 8 players..

I ended up losing the game becuase the game didnt let my starters get any rest inte 3rd qter becuase the opp undermanned is team.. Why didnt he system take my players out and let the bench come in i hato rest the players if they were tired. Did it have to do with the other team being undermanned.. that should be walk over win in my favor..

How is this possible and what can do next time ..?

From: Kukoc

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221538.2 in reply to 221538.1
Date: 7/8/2012 4:26:54 AM
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What orders did you give to the coach?

From: Kukoc

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221538.4 in reply to 221538.3
Date: 7/8/2012 10:28:09 AM
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I'm guessing the opposite. I think it was let coach deside. Strickly follow usually allowes the bench to come in more often.

From: Mr. Glass

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221538.5 in reply to 221538.4
Date: 7/8/2012 3:24:00 PM
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yes i had strictly follow depth chart and sub when player get tired sub.. Every game i played this the coach subs with the bench in 3rd or when player get in fould trouble or tired.

The guy played 8 players how is that possible you need line up at least 10 to play.. Im not crying about im just wondering how is it possibel

From: Kukoc

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221538.6 in reply to 221538.5
Date: 7/8/2012 3:34:56 PM
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I'm surprised that this is your sixth season...

From: Mr. Glass

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221538.7 in reply to 221538.6
Date: 7/8/2012 6:56:29 PM
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haha yes in same league).. I had no one help for a very long time me besides manon a little bit.. Other than that is more of tooth an nails type of learning

If dont go up his yr im going to support and fire/ reitre the roster. start with a team of 35k$ players.

Im very sick of this league

From: Kukoc

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221538.8 in reply to 221538.7
Date: 7/8/2012 7:50:56 PM
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Seriously, you need to get a scrimmage each week, to fix your players game shape. Perhaps try a faster offencive tactic and stop training stamina:) It's hard to say what the problem is. I have always had good minute results with strictly follow, even when using my 2-9k backups. Pehaps you keep having unlucky game stoppages or too many time outs get taken. Perhaps the GS is the main reason, your coach does not go to the bench too often.

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221538.9 in reply to 221538.5
Date: 7/8/2012 9:02:57 PM
Aussie Pride
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A game is played with a minimum of 3 players so u don't need 10.

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221538.10 in reply to 221538.9
Date: 7/8/2012 9:33:38 PM
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really , how can 3 men take on 5..?? ts a lop sided lost.. This game need some changing.if they have 5 men dresses a wlk over. and thanks for telling me..

From: Mr. Glass

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221538.11 in reply to 221538.8
Date: 7/8/2012 9:36:52 PM
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m training towards my pf and pg sometimes my sf,,, they are getting better. I play a few exibition games but i rarelly get any, unless its 1# team in another country lol.

I turn those dwn no point in getting destryed. by 75