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USA - V.4 > Bigeest game for my BHR against the Ice Genex tonight- be sure to tune in!!

Bigeest game for my BHR against the Ice Genex tonight- be sure to tune in!!

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Date: 7/17/2012 5:31:05 PM
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1st game : 5/22/2012 Ice Genex Black.Hole.RAG3 105 - 91

after beating the 1st place team in Big 8 and signing 2 more stars i gotta say i feel much more confident about bringing a great challenge to the Ice Genex and have a great run in the playoff....but 1st thing first i NEED to win today's game again Ice at all COST!!

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222093.2 in reply to 222093.1
Date: 8/27/2012 1:59:20 PM
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If you think you guys are the only two title contenders youve got another thing coming. If i dont see any rookies i like by week 6, Im gonna unleash The moster formally known as Chris Stevens And be on my way out of this league.

Only reason i stuck around is to build my arena so that it matches my best players ever expanding contracts

just a friendly league wide reminder, Crown Heights Knights Are the Single best team in this league

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222093.3 in reply to 222093.2
Date: 9/5/2012 12:24:08 PM
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Bring it

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222093.4 in reply to 222093.3
Date: 9/24/2012 2:31:47 AM
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consider it brung, No need to to talk i got both you and black whole in my sights.

Happy hunting

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222093.5 in reply to 222093.1
Date: 9/24/2012 3:14:19 AM
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After a rocky start the crown heights knights seemed to have hit their stride. They come into their game with black whole rage with winning their last 7 league games. Most by significant margins. The team started off with a limp losing to two teams they were heavily favored to beat.

Since then Crown Heights knights have Rode their twin towers to the second best record in the league. Behind a league best 7 game winning streak they come into this game focused "We know whats at stake here. we know their sleeping on us, We heard them barking, now we'll see if they can handle the bite" , said Perennial Mvp Candidate Forward Chris Stevens. Coming into the season everyone knew about Stevens, The biggest surprise this season Has been the emergence of the "other" Tower Tyson OldHam "coming into the season, People looked us and thought, oh their a playoff team, but thats it, Chris cant do it by himself. Well we heard em, we know that and thats why guys have resoded the way we did, its why i resonded the way i did, Now they cant just focus on chris, Whenever they do, i make sure to make em pay, so its a pick your poison kind of deal"

Apparently Tyson wasnt the only one who felt that way. "We always liked what we had established here with chirs, We always knew what we had in tyson, even if other didn't. But last season we just felt we were a piece or two away. im proud to say thats not the case anymore" With signing of the 21 year old SF Slasher/ Scorer, the crown heights knights feel like they have the mix of youth and talent needed to be Crowned champs this year.

Chris Stevens Wrapped it up best "we know we'll see one of these two teams in the finals, & We're gonna send a message!"

Big Talk coming from an even bigger player in the biggest week of his young career.

Keys To The Game
Rim rotection

Key Matchup
Chris Stevens vs
Piotr Blaszków
both of these bigs are used to out muscling and dominating the paint, whoever wins the battle could be key

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222093.6 in reply to 222093.3
Date: 10/2/2012 4:04:53 PM
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When asked how he felt about our his teams performance this past week, Chris Stevens Replied " Disapointed, i thought it would be tougher, it was just like any other week in the league... at least black whole rage lived up to the hype, Cant wait to see them again.. If thats the best their conference has to offer though, disappointing seems to be the right word."

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222093.7 in reply to 222093.6
Date: 11/18/2012 12:05:49 PM
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CHK, apparently Stevens didn't help you against San Diego Sharks... Go Sharks!

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222093.8 in reply to 222093.7
Date: 11/20/2012 12:17:17 AM
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you got lucky my pg went down after the first 8 minutes. you still had no answers for the twin towers, We just had no one to contend on the perimeter Great game though, You BETTER W"N