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BB Global (English) > Best and worse user-population ratio

Best and worse user-population ratio

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From: GM-Eran
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Date: 7/30/2012 5:32:03 AM
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So I was just wondering, has someone checked which countries has the best and worse user-population ratio? It could be very interesting in determing the popularity of the game in certain countries.

From: Pewu

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222712.2 in reply to 222712.1
Date: 7/30/2012 6:31:03 AM
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Worst is probabably Nigeria and the best I think Estonia

This Post:
222712.3 in reply to 222712.2
Date: 7/30/2012 1:40:40 PM
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The worst must be India by far.
I'd have said Lithuania for the best ratio but it could well be Estonia.

From: fewmit

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222712.4 in reply to 222712.1
Date: 7/30/2012 4:50:34 PM
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Buzzerbeater countries ranked by users/country population:

rank country managers population percentage
1 Eesti 969 1340021 0.0723122996%
2 Lietuva 2036 3329227 0.0611553373%
3 Andorra 27 84082 0.0321115102%
4 Slovenija 569 2062700 0.0275852039%
5 Latvija 578 2237800 0.0258289391%
6 Hellas 1902 11306183 0.0168226536%
7 Israel 924 7602400 0.0121540566%
8 Bosna i Hercegovina 436 3760000 0.0115957447%
9 Hong Kong 798 7061200 0.0113011953%
10 Hrvatska 492 4435056 0.0110934338%
11 Crna Gora 66 625266 0.0105555076%
12 Magyarország 1052 10013628 0.0105056829%
13 Portugal 1104 10636888 0.0103789755%
14 Srbija 973 9856000 0.0098721591%
15 Ísland 30 317900 0.0094369299%
16 Makedonija 189 2048620 0.0092257227%
17 Uruguay 305 3372000 0.0090450771%
18 Suomi 474 5366100 0.0088332308%
19 Polska 3106 38167329 0.0081378500%
20 España 3742 46951532 0.0079699210%
21 Cyprus 57 801851 0.0071085526%
22 Italia 4075 60340328 0.0067533607%
23 Slovensko 329 5426645 0.0060626778%
24 Macau 30 544600 0.0055086302%
25 Sakartvelo 234 4436000 0.0052750225%
26 Luxembourg 26 502207 0.0051771481%
27 Česká Rep. 464 10512397 0.0044138363%
28 France 2745 65447374 0.0041942095%
29 Belgium 438 10827519 0.0040452480%
30 Türkiye 2846 72561312 0.0039222003%
31 Bulgaria 290 7576751 0.0038274981%
32 Malta 13 416333 0.0031225005%
33 Barbados 8 257000 0.0031128405%
34 Danmark 166 5540241 0.0029962595%
35 Schweiz 226 7782900 0.0029038019%
36 Bahamas 10 346000 0.0028901734%
37 Australia 603 22421417 0.0026893929%
38 România 546 21466174 0.0025435366%
39 Sverige 233 9366092 0.0024876971%
40 Argentina 949 40518951 0.0023421139%
41 Norge 106 4896700 0.0021647232%
42 Nederland 304 16609518 0.0018302759%
43 New Zealand 80 4383600 0.0018249840%
44 Ireland 79 4459300 0.0017715785%
45 Chile 273 17114000 0.0015951852%
46 Taiwan 355 23174528 0.0015318543%
47 Shqipëria 45 3195000 0.0014084507%
48 Canada 453 34207000 0.0013242903%
49 Belarus 125 9471900 0.0013196930%
50 Deutschland 1002 81757600 0.0012255741%
51 Singapore 55 4987600 0.0011027348%
52 Österreich 87 8372930 0.0010390628%
53 USA 3166 306269000 0.0010337318%
54 Philippines 719 94013200 0.0007647862%
55 England 403 53741708 0.0007498831%
56 Moldova 25 3563800 0.0007014984%
57 Puerto Rico 24 3706000 0.0006475985%
58 Panama 21 3322576 0.0006320397%
59 Jamaica 17 2730000 0.0006227106%
60 Ukraina 284 45871738 0.0006191176%
61 Hayastan 20 3238000 0.0006176652%
62 Scotland 31 5250000 0.0005904762%
63 Venezuela 157 28888000 0.0005434783%
64 Paraguay 35 6460000 0.0005417957%
65 Brasil 906 193364000 0.0004685464%
66 Rossiya 593 141927297 0.0004178196%
67 Lubnan 16 4255000 0.0003760282%
68 Costa Rica 17 4640000 0.0003663793%
69 Cymru 10 3064000 0.0003263708%
70 Malaysia 87 28306700 0.0003073477%
71 Azərbaycan 27 8997400 0.0003000867%
72 Perú 63 29461933 0.0002138353%
73 U.A.E. 8 4707000 0.0001699596%
74 Colombia 77 45569000 0.0001689745%
75 Iran 122 75078000 0.0001624977%
76 Rep. Dominicana 15 10225000 0.0001466993%
77 Bolivia 14 10031000 0.0001395673%
78 Al Maghrib 43 31892000 0.0001348301%
79 China 1663 1308410000 0.0001271008%
80 Senegal 16 12861000 0.0001244071%
81 Kazakhstan 20 16197000 0.0001234797%
82 Al Jazair 36 35423000 0.0001016289%
83 Prathet Thai 63 63525062 0.0000991735%
84 Misr 74 78848000 0.0000938515%
85 México 101 108396211 0.0000931767%
86 Guatemala 13 14377000 0.0000904222%
87 Indonesia 170 234181400 0.0000725933%
88 Ecuador 10 14228000 0.0000702839%
89 Saudi Arabia 11 26246000 0.0000419111%
90 South Africa 16 49991300 0.0000320056%
91 Nippon 38 127380000 0.0000298320%
92 Tounes 3 10432500 0.0000287563%
93 Hanguk 13 49773145 0.0000261185%
94 Việt Nam 20 85789573 0.0000233129%
95 Ghana 5 24333000 0.0000205482%
96 Nigeria 19 158259000 0.0000120056%
97 India 73 1184639000 0.0000061622%
98 Pakistan 9 170260000 0.0000052860%

Group hug!
From: GM-Eran

This Post:
222712.5 in reply to 222712.4
Date: 7/30/2012 4:56:47 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Nice! thanks and cheers! Did you work on it yourself?

From: fewmit

This Post:
222712.6 in reply to 222712.5
Date: 7/30/2012 11:00:28 PM
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Yes I put it together, I've been curious myself. Who knew Andorra was such a basketball crazed country?

Group hug!
This Post:
222712.7 in reply to 222712.6
Date: 7/31/2012 3:16:49 AM
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never thought estonia may be on top. Since their real life basketball team is so crappy. Maybe we see the positive tendention here for estonia, and in 10 or so years theill grow some real players who can actually play.

Last edited by Gajus Julijus Cezaris at 7/31/2012 3:17:27 AM

This Post:
222712.8 in reply to 222712.7
Date: 7/31/2012 10:19:45 AM
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I don't understand why you're so surprised? :) We have little country and the internet is available almost everywhere. Of course basketball is popular, but it's like this for decades. I hope that things will get better in our basketball, but this First place in here doesn't show anything like that. By the way, Andorra is third :)

This Post:
222712.9 in reply to 222712.8
Date: 8/1/2012 9:05:39 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
And we are fourth, yay!

(Btw, we also lead in olympic medals/population right now...won gold just yesterday!)

This Post:
222712.10 in reply to 222712.9
Date: 8/1/2012 9:46:44 AM
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And we are fourth, yay!

(Btw, we also lead in olympic medals/population right now...won gold just yesterday!)

And more importantly, the Stanley Cup visited your country finally this summer.

This Post:
222712.11 in reply to 222712.10
Date: 8/1/2012 11:06:35 AM
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Yup! Man, it was crazy here, people taking vacation or being like zombies because they didn't sleep 2 hours each night the game was on...