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Buzzerbeater Issues

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From: tough
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Date: 8/6/2012 9:56:35 AM
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
Man whas happening!? our base is going down, we're not even ranked in the top ten based on a ranking, and we're having issues! what is wrong? list your issues here.......(had to redo this due to auto log out >:( I know it's summer)

Tanking is the uncompetitiveness driving people out? cause tanking is my #1 issue. we're having teams tank then squash lower tier teams that were competing for titles now making them look like helpless fish out of water. giving in a lot of cash, and making standings at end of season look like this sometimes:
1. 20-2
2. 11-11
3. 9-13
4. 9-13

not even teams with .500 record. kinda sad if you look at it.

Transfer List I heard there are some teams getting mad over the free agents issue and that too many people are going for cheap and that there is not enough people retiring. that sometimes great players are going to D5 newbies and then they get bankrupted. teams getting ripped off low priced even some above average guys who like to steal some cash. etc etc.

Unrealistic? well with me being in snother chat in another siim game today we were talking about sims and they said "buzzerbeater sucks so bad" and "it's too complicated" whats so complicated! it's not that hard, in the games I linked to, I seen the top 20. and BB ranks 17. right now, which is not good and is close to rival charazy (which is bad) who is #19. what is wrong!? charazy gives in game advantages with their supporter package, which has training there. training is supposed to be seen, not hidden, and BB actually makes it an equal game. charazy blackmails for money. but anyways also seen that there are mixed opinioons on the game. anyways post some issues here and possible solutions to these issues. we need something to get these issue resolved and get back to our once-knowed fame of 60k base.....just saying...

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
This Post:
223096.2 in reply to 223096.1
Date: 8/6/2012 8:59:03 PM
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So true it should be more realistic but you should also factor in upsets to anything can happen #factoritin

This Post:
223096.3 in reply to 223096.2
Date: 8/6/2012 10:59:40 PM
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
idk try charazy and in 1 week you'll quit guranteed. I play a football sim n\and in chat its true some one said "Buzzebeater sucks bad" and "buzzerbeater is sh*t" true. idk why they hatin on it it's good. but everyone has mixed opinions you know it's a very large game. good thinking maybe a new training regimen where you can train 2 guys from each group (BIGS and GUARDS) so then you have four people training. did the OKC Thunder get good only training Durant and HArden (BIGS)? No they also trained Westbrook, a guard and sefolosha. In BB the Thunder could've not had done what they did here. kinda same for the Heat. How the world do you get 3 of the best players in the world (especially a guy like Lebron.) in BB they would be on the TL for 2MIL (LBJ) and at least 750k (Bosh) and with the tanking thing going on, they could've had done that, but they didn't tank, thats the problem, and also in BB< a team like the Heat now would be bankrupting in d3 and less........and also the draft is kinda unrealistic cause you can only draft guys from your country. Did Yao Ming ever get drafted by China then "Transfer Listed" and gone to Houston? NO! he got drafted by houston. Did Dirk get drafted by germany? no. you see there are things that BB has to change. also I think what happened to the usual fouls like technical fouls and where the hell are coaches! where's the Phil Jacksons and doc rivers and Kevin McHales? I thought it says this game is the biggest and best basketball game....well its declining and rival charazy is catching up. I only play it cause a friend said to not give up on it. I lost every single game in there.......

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: Hopson

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223096.4 in reply to 223096.3
Date: 8/7/2012 5:15:37 AM
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Basketsim isn't bad, but it's not a good as BB. I have the most expensive roster in the league, and lose 3 out of 5 games most of the time. BB Will always be the besti nmy opinion. It's easy, but challenging also. I will admit coaches will make this betterm but drafting international players is good and bad.

1. Would you rather train a U21 player with better merch, or another countries U21 player wit hlest merch?

2. Coaching, it would be good but useless. YOU set the line-up, subs, players, tactic.

From: tough

This Post:
223096.5 in reply to 223096.4
Date: 8/7/2012 5:25:51 AM
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
charazy moving to a new server.....I think they growing enough and maybe using a bb type (or similar) server.

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: Hopson

This Post:
223096.6 in reply to 223096.5
Date: 8/7/2012 6:24:36 AM
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I don't care abou CHarazay. BB all the way!

This Post:
223096.7 in reply to 223096.4
Date: 8/7/2012 8:08:45 AM
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2. Coaching, it would be good but useless. YOU set the line-up, subs, players, tactic.

Not necessarily useless. This would likely require coaches to be a separate staff role than trainer or cause a lot of disruption, but the game-day coaches could certainly either have more abilities or at minimum a "specialty" that could affect the team's play.

I think the "specialty" version would be easier to implement and likely less imbalanced. A coach could specialize in OD, ID, outside offense, inside offense, flow, positioning, or rebounding for example, with a corresponding increase in gameday performance (I would say positioning might increase effectiveness of zones and give slight increases in rebounding and maybe passing). A more indepth version would be giving ratings to each of these abilities, but there would be issues in balancing it in a way to make it useful but not something where everyone is going out chasing a perfect coach and those who have built up money are the only ones who could afford it, especially with the financial state of the game as it is. A quick thought might be that there'd be levels of coaches as there are trainers, and each level has a fixed number of skill points and then they're distributed in somewhat reasonable manners, and maybe allowing a user to adjust each skill +/- 1 after each full season the coach has been on the staff (with, of course, the minus and plus ones equaling out).

But this is the sort of thing that would need to go on the suggestions forum anyhow and needs a lot more fleshing out before it would be a useful proposal, and then of course it would need to wait for a point in the game where this type of suggestion could actually feasibly be implemented.

From: Newton07

This Post:
223096.8 in reply to 223096.1
Date: 8/7/2012 8:50:55 AM
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the main problem with BB is that it is not developing. Tanking is a big issue and should have been taken care of already.

Three more issues - the list is longer, but these are the most important to me, in addition to tanking:

Economy Players' salaries are too high compared to their values (mainly in the 50-100k salary range). Training has lost importance and so has medium/long term planning.

5th position Since the change, there is more often than not a battle to end up fifth rather than fourth or third. Here the solution would be so simple. Half salary paid to players in the two following weeks instead of no salary at all (or, pay no salary, but get no tv contract nor merchandising neither).

Game engine hasn't been chanced since ages, and won't be for as long. Only 2 or 3 tactics do work and still some tweaks are needed. Just an example, down by 9 with 2 sec to play, your players are still going to foul at 0 sec to catch up.

This Post:
223096.10 in reply to 223096.7
Date: 8/7/2012 11:26:19 AM
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I think having a Coach that just improves a type of offense or defense would be effective and adjust the increase by there grade with world-renown getting a higher increase, just like in the current staff system.

So a coach could be offense minded or defense minded and have a favored system they run. This would also help the whole "everyone has to run LI to be successful" syndrome, since there will only be so many LI coaches available. And who knows, maybe a 2-3 coach could teach us how to run it effectively.

Slightly unrelated... if I were to redo the training system I would keep the current system and have it be half as effective and I'd have the other half of all players increase in the prime of the careers train their stats to a variable related to their starting value, where respectable would train very quickly and decrease the lower they start out. I would start this training at varied times in different players careers, since all players don't begin to blossom at the same time but would lean toward starting in their first 3 seasons but their could be late bloomers in the late 20s.

This Post:
223096.11 in reply to 223096.3
Date: 8/7/2012 2:15:49 PM
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My problem is that there is not a trading system it should be trades with negotiation rather than bidding which is stupid.