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Suggestions > about the age that player skills decrease

about the age that player skills decrease

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Date: 8/12/2012 1:54:06 AM
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about the age that player skills decrease... Don't you think that the age of 32 is too soon for a player to start decreasing his skills?

I mean, we train players until the age of 27, 28 or even 29. And they start decreasing their skills at the age of 32... I mean, it's a really low margin of "player utility". And in reality, we all know so many players with more than 32 years playing at the highest level and in their highest level without having a decrease in their performances(well, maybe in things like speed, speed reaction, and other physical aspects, but those are things not taken into account in the game). Just look at manu ginobili, scola, nash, kobe, pau gasol, duncan and many many others...

So my suggestion here would be that instead of making the player start decreasing their skills at the age of 32, they start at 34. But at least change it to 33.

This will also have a good impact on the market, now players that are in thir best level at the age of 30 or 31 cost significantly less than a player of 26 or 27 when it shouldn't.

From: tough

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223450.3 in reply to 223450.2
Date: 8/12/2012 4:08:35 AM
Mountain Eagles
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Ric Flair Drippers
I like it. I'd like to keep Forjaz longer but he's deteriorating but if you moved to to 34 then he'd be doing that at 36. I think I've seen a 38 year old still ball right now so move that 2 yearsand we may see some 40 year olds up in here :p but yeah like this suggestion players these days are retiring at 36. when they should be retiring at 37, 38. Look at Shaq. Look at Jordan, who played for the Wizards when he was 40! and still dropped 23 PPG! He could've lasted til 42 in my opinion! Kobe, he'll be retiring at 37,38 I believe? but still this is a great idea.

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: abigfishy

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223450.4 in reply to 223450.3
Date: 8/12/2012 6:37:46 AM
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my best player my $100k SF turned 33 this season then in the FIRST week he had a double poop in JS
then he had a poop in OD
then a poop in ID
then in RE

all in the first few weeks

it was pathetic

sure in real life players get injured their skills decline

but its not like they are all 100% perfect at age 32 & then @ 33 they instantly turn 2 garbage

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223450.5 in reply to 223450.4
Date: 8/12/2012 7:50:53 AM
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I think maybe you should do more reading on the forums then crying in every post. It has been stated many, many times players reporting skill drops at 33years old. Why should your players be impervious to this? The moment I discovered this, I decided not to have many of these aged players on my team, and if they are, I was not going to depend on them, because their skills could decline on any given Friday. It's no one else's fault, but yours for holding/depending on these types of players.

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223450.6 in reply to 223450.5
Date: 8/12/2012 8:34:22 AM
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im crying in every thread?

maybe ur just being a jerk in every thread

i am lobbying 2 get some serious problems in the game fixed cause it is the best game of its type going but needs some fixes badly

player base has gone from 60k -> 47k in 1 year cause not enough had been done

if u claim there arent problems u r either a pathetic kissass or a blind moron u tell me which

so every 33 yo player drops 5 skill points in their first 5 weeks?


& ur brilliant answer is no team in the universe should ever have age 33+ players on their roster

just proves the point really well genius

Last edited by abigfishy at 8/12/2012 8:39:29 AM

This Post:
223450.7 in reply to 223450.6
Date: 8/12/2012 8:43:11 AM
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so every 33 yo player drops 5 skill points in their first 5 weeks?

No, it doesn't happen to every player.

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223450.8 in reply to 223450.7
Date: 8/12/2012 8:45:04 AM
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Your perception of what I said, "No team should have over 33 years old on their team."

Reality of what I said, "No one should depend on 33 year olds to be the core of their team"

See the difference.

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From: tough

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223450.10 in reply to 223450.6
Date: 8/12/2012 8:51:35 AM
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
chill man

Look at me and my opponents for the finals roster. We have a lot of oldies. And we're gonna tear our selves apart. Our finals is going to be decided on enth. management................ anyways we should have those kind of drops at 36. Let the decling age start at about late 34 after the all star break. 3 drops there. then at 35 have 1 drop every 4 weeks. Then 36 comes and then increase it to 1 drop every other week. then at 37 do same thing. 38 should be it's death season and should drop to an average 8k guy. and 39 will be his Last year, living through his twilight games, getting chants of ::name:: and GL in retirment.....thats what I think will happen. Retiring should be average around 37, not 34.

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!