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Suggestions > Virtual currency

Virtual currency

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From: Ehud
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Date: 8/14/2012 10:53:54 AM
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I suggest adding virtual currency to this game.

I guess most income are related to advertising and other incomes are from supporters that are not expose to ads.
Virtual currency features might be premium features that doesn't provide an unfair advantage in the game for supporter and non supporter users.

Virtual currency features might be any type of silly visual addition, such as a funky hair style to a specific player, an earning or any other type of funny/cool addition.
Another feature might be having a team mascotte.

Users will be able to gain BB coins or something like that by Paypal or other type of online payment methods or by successfully referring a user to the game. Maybe some kind of a refer a friend challenge (i.e - 5 refers will gain user with x BB coins)

It might work as users are really engage to this game - hopefully it will help raising user value and enable BB to buy more users and develop the game.

"Did you miss me??? - "With every bullet so far..." Al Bundy
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223580.2 in reply to 223580.1
Date: 8/14/2012 2:52:40 PM
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I don't like all those non BB-management features, hence I don't like this.
In contradiction, there might be some that this things will make it for them.
How those users will like a BB-management more and not use this feature on a game which this feature is reasonable to be a major part of is something I don't know to answer.

Of course it does no harm (except wasting BB-management feature development time on a non BB-management feature), so I'm no that much against it.

Last edited by Ehud at 8/14/2012 2:57:19 PM

This Post:
223580.3 in reply to 223580.2
Date: 8/14/2012 3:03:42 PM
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Online user base companies need users to grow. you think the game needs to improve in order to get more users (I agree but unlike you I won't prioritize BB work)

Such companies such as BuzzerBeater can get more users if their user value increase. User value is determine by how much money each user is worth.

My suggestion enable BB to increase user value which will enable BB to get more users if they will like it.

I must say that virtual currency is not a simple business model, not a lot of companies successed in it, but it might work.
This requires some real research from BB in case they will think about it.

"Did you miss me??? - "With every bullet so far..." Al Bundy
From: Ehud

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223580.5 in reply to 223580.4
Date: 8/14/2012 3:16:08 PM
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That's fair.
But the magic is to use the right triggers and have the right features.
I wouldn't like to see supporter features as virtual currency, but I might spend a buck to have a barber for my team and change their hair style once in a while...

"Did you miss me??? - "With every bullet so far..." Al Bundy
From: Ehud

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223580.7 in reply to 223580.6
Date: 8/14/2012 3:26:28 PM
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I bet BB would appreciate every increase in user value.
The thing that make me think this suggestion might work is the fact that lot's of managers are really engage to this game just as you described.

"Did you miss me??? - "With every bullet so far..." Al Bundy
This Post:
223580.8 in reply to 223580.3
Date: 8/14/2012 3:31:09 PM
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Online user base companies need users to grow. you think the game needs to improve in order to get more users (I agree but unlike you I won't prioritize BB work)

Such companies such as BuzzerBeater can get more users if their user value increase. User value is determine by how much money each user is worth.

My suggestion enable BB to increase user value which will enable BB to get more users if they will like it.

I must say that virtual currency is not a simple business model, not a lot of companies successed in it, but it might work.
This requires some real research from BB in case they will think about it.

1) Your night is very short as you return from "out for the day" quite quickly...

And now more seriously;
2) There are a variety of business models. The thing is to find one that is relevant to the business itself...
This suggestion will do no good for this business, and as you stated this model does not work really good as it is...

Usually a suggestion is not stating a model or an option, but connecting and explaining how it fits to the relevant business / game / feature (in case it enhances it).

From: Phoenix

To: Ehud
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223580.9 in reply to 223580.3
Date: 8/14/2012 3:36:53 PM
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Just like Manon, I don't like these kind of currencies in general, but it would certainly bring money to the game. The supporter system could be replaced by this currency (which would allow other things though) as long as one can have what we have today for the same price... And as long super rewards remains a way to earn some of this currency!

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223580.10 in reply to 223580.7
Date: 8/14/2012 3:37:10 PM
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I bet BB would appreciate every increase in user value.
The thing that make me think this suggestion might work is the fact that lot's of managers are really engage to this game just as you described.
You know that the benefit of a feature is not just judged upon its income but also for the investment it cost and what it could by instead for creating other revenue.

For example, the decrease in the community base (which is parallel to the decrease of supporters I presume) is something that worth much more investment than at this feature.

This Post:
223580.11 in reply to 223580.8
Date: 8/14/2012 3:38:00 PM
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I said I am done with you for today and I stopped answering to your topics but surprise surprise you ended up here...

This is a game related suggestion and this is the place to suggest it to BB.
As owners of this business they are responsible to evaluate this suggestion / business model if they think it's interesting.
I am honest enough say all I know about this suggestion, the good and the bad.

Most chances this suggestion won't be implemented, at least not anytime soon as it requires some research and development, but hey, it's a thought and crazier things had happen...

To sum it up: Increase user value is something that can really contribute to this game as I see it. Virtual currency is one way to achieve it. Maybe...

"Did you miss me??? - "With every bullet so far..." Al Bundy