This Friday 8/17 the USA U21 team takes on Canada in the semifinals for the season 20 America’s Tournament. While the USA has made it to the semis every tournament since season 8, this is Canada’s first appearance in the top 4 since season 12. So pretty much they’re just happy to be here. On the other hand, the US is the two time world champion and anything less than a gold here at the America’s would be a catastrophe of such gigantic proportions that scientists predict a quantum singularity would appear and swallow up the Buzzerbeater universe in its entirety. As no one wants that to happen Canada will probably forfeit the game just to be safe.
Canadian U21 coach bballin was kind enough to do a quick interview before the game. He responded in his native Canadian, but here’s the best translation that Google Translate could muster:
1. So let’s be honest. The likely #1 goal of top teams in the America’s is to avoid playing the US in the semifinals. Where did you go wrong?
Our loss against Argentina. We normaled, just to make sure, but a CT from Argentina coupled with HCA dashed our hopes. Then the final game of the 2nd round, after Peru had beaten Argentina it all came down to PD and well Argentina crushed us their.
2. If you had the ability to remove one US player from Friday's game, who would it be, and why?
I dont think it would matter. You have dozens of players that could fill the void. I would probably get rid of Michele. I hate that guy.
3. It’s no secret that USA coach magiker hates your guts with a preternaturally burning passion. I don’t know what you did to piss him off so badly, but you have nothing to lose by stating your honest opinion of him here.
Ive never met the guy, but just off of the conversations we have I have come to the conclusion that he is an evil cellar dwelling troll that lives in his moms house.
4. Considering that Canada hasn’t made it to the semis since season 12, would you consider this season to be a success?
No. We still end up in repechage either way. Our goal both seasons was to make it to the finals. Both times we could have.
5. Americans seem to view Canadians as one of the last cultures that it’s acceptable to make fun of, based on the underlying assumption that Canadians are on the whole are so inoffensive that mean spirited jokes made at their expense are funny because there’s no basis for them in reality. Do Canadians make fun of themselves in this way, or are there character traits in the Canadian gene pool that deserve ridicule?
Wait... people make fun of us?
6. Does your team have a player who is a favorite with the Canadian community?
Not particularily, most people cheer for their own player. I like Begley, hes a good guy!
7. You have the distinction of being the only non-American allowed on the US off site forums. How many other countries’ off sites do you have membership in and what’s so lame about Canadians that you had to join the cool kid’s forum?
Well Canadas offsite is actually a combo offsite with the likes of Nigeria, New Zealand and England in the mix. So I guess 3 others plus the US's. I went to the US offsite just to scare some of your new guys off. You have enough members.
8. How many Canadians does it take to change a lightbulb?
Lightbulb? We use fire in our igloos.
Which 70s Canadian singer/songwriter would win in a fight?
Leonard Cohen
Joni Mitchell
Gordon Lightfoot
Neil Young
This poll ended on 8/23/2012.
Group hug!