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Suggestions > Automatic scrimmage setting and allowing setting unknown game in advance

Automatic scrimmage setting and allowing setting unknown game in advance

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Date: 8/17/2012 6:39:16 AM
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The idea is that from time to time users are gone for few days or weeks, and there is no one to take care of their team.
This leads to GS drop and other issues.

To handle this, allow some automaitc scrimmages for all those teams (a team that had not set a scrimmage up until Monday let's say).

In addition, they will need to define a setting to a game that has not been defined yet (whether this is a scrimmage game or a tournament game).
Currently there is an option of setting default line-up, and maybe this is already what's happening on those cases, but to make the default line-up be defined to all those games that are not defined will be great as well.

A better solution will be to add all games to schedule, including the unknown games, and allowing the users that gonna be away for some time to set there tactic's definitions as well.
That will allow some changes from one weeks unknown game to the next (on another week), upon known schedule for the league's games.

From: Axis123

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223732.3 in reply to 223732.2
Date: 8/22/2012 5:03:24 PM
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Maybe setting two scrimmages in advance might be a middle ground.

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223732.4 in reply to 223732.3
Date: 8/24/2012 3:38:52 PM
Hamburg Albatrosses
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Korean S. Fighters
Maybe setting two scrimmages in advance might be a middle ground.

That's something I'd like. If you could book two scrimmages for the next two weeks, that would help. I have just recently been on an island where it was hard to get internet-connection. So I booked a late scrimmage to be able to edit the lineup when I got back (was just 4 days from Monday to Thursday). But if I'd stayed longer than that, it would have been difficult to find a scrimmage - let's say on Tuesday evening or Wednesday. And that would just have been 8 days. So I like your idea.

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223732.5 in reply to 223732.4
Date: 8/24/2012 5:31:14 PM
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Maybe an option to ask for one home and one away game from the same opponent.

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223732.6 in reply to 223732.5
Date: 8/24/2012 5:32:01 PM
Hamburg Albatrosses
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Korean S. Fighters
Sounds good to me.

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