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how to train this guy?

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Date: 8/24/2012 4:23:48 AM
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how should i train this guy?

Jump Shot: average Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: atrocious Handling: inept
Driving: inept Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: pitiful Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: awful Free Throw: respectable

thank u 4 the help in advance and i will probably have another trainee so stay tuned. also this guy is a big.

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225261.2 in reply to 225261.1
Date: 8/24/2012 4:28:10 AM
Brigada Diverse
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Second Team:
Does he have big man potential? age?

Let's say he has i would start on IS to level up with the other big men skills to maybe 10 and then work on his ID until you have something that you can work on with him being a sub in the league games.

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225261.3 in reply to 225261.2
Date: 8/24/2012 12:17:22 PM
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what do u mean by big man potential. his age is 19 and i know he missed a season. also his potential is new to this training thing

Last edited by balling_lights_out at 8/24/2012 3:16:00 PM

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225261.4 in reply to 225261.3
Date: 8/24/2012 3:23:22 PM
Brigada Diverse
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Second Team:
his potential is superstar
you've just answered my question.
It is very important to keep track of potential because let's take his case he will probabil reach about 150k tops beiing on this potential so it's a good margin for a big guy.
So start with Inside Offence until you reach level 10 and the work on his Inside Defence until level 13-14 and would have covered at least this season and the next if all goes to plan you could get 14 on both until the end of next season.
I recommend you have a trainer level 5 but i think you can pull this off with level 4 as well.
After this you can work on his Rebounding and on his secondaries as well.
You should have a decent big men when he is about 22 and you should buy another player with almost the same potential and skills because it will be wise to train 2 players at least at the same time.

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225261.5 in reply to 225261.4
Date: 8/24/2012 4:19:40 PM
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i have a level 4 trainer and yeah i am trying to get another big with 7-9 potential

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225261.6 in reply to 225261.4
Date: 8/24/2012 4:36:36 PM
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is perennial allstar potential good?

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225261.7 in reply to 225261.6
Date: 8/24/2012 5:25:49 PM
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For a division 5 team like you, perennial allstar is good enough to train, this will result in quite a good player in the end..

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225261.8 in reply to 225261.7
Date: 8/24/2012 8:16:00 PM
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i post another trainee by the end of the weekend

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225261.10 in reply to 225261.9
Date: 8/25/2012 1:34:55 AM
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i im not able to afford him i will stop training and see wat i should do next. also i could promote so it wont be to much 4 me. and i did see a 18yo p. allstar so yeah

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225261.11 in reply to 225261.9
Date: 8/25/2012 2:01:13 AM
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and also it looks like my trainee has bad stamina and freethrows. so when i stop training his skills ill do stamina and free throws