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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Training Issue - Pop then no Pop

Training Issue - Pop then no Pop

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From: Mally_G
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Date: 8/24/2012 2:43:20 PM
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This morning around 6:30 I checked my training, as it said it was completed. I had 4 pops between players that trained in the SHOT BLOCKING (C/PF) position. So I updated the training for the upcoming week & then noticed that only one of the players popped for this week after it initially stated that I had 4 pops between trained players, the rest of the players have vanished.

I do not remember all of the players and the categories they popped in, but they were in relation to shot blocking/inside defense/rebounding, but I know for sure that my Center, Aisingiorro Tingshan, popped in two categories, and only one is currently showing, and my other center, Darren Phan, popped in at least one category, but I do not remember which, and now he's not even showing up as trained. There are at least two more pops for players, that I can't remember who and what category, but I believe they popped in either Inside Defense or Shot Blocking.

There are no arrows pointing up for any of the players I believe have popped, with the exception of Aisingiorro Tingshan, who popped in Shot Blocking, but I believe he popped in one other area as well.

Can someone look into the training logs of my players to see what the issue may be? Or did I disrupt the finalization of the training by changing the routine for next weeks training?

I am not making this up and I know what I saw, there were 4 pops between 3-4 players, and now only 1 pop for one player is showing.

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225343.2 in reply to 225343.1
Date: 8/25/2012 7:20:42 AM
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Second Team:
I'm afraid there's no such log that we can look at for pop history. Maybe you were just looking at last weeks pops. Changing training regime wouldn't have affected anything once training was run.

From: BB-Marin

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225343.4 in reply to 225343.3
Date: 8/29/2012 8:15:45 AM
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Second Team:
It's not feasible because of the amount of data. Also, please use the suggestions forum for suggestions.

From: BB-Marin

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225343.6 in reply to 225343.5
Date: 8/29/2012 8:34:00 AM
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Second Team:
Yeah, but that data is *very* rough.