Pretty much, you have to pay a minimum amount of money in player salaries. This amount is called the salary floor. This amount is based on your league's TV contract. These are the calculations, based on league:
Division I: 120% of TV money
Division II: 100% of TV money
Division III,IV: 80% of TV money
Division V,VI: 60% of TV money
Since you're in DIII, 80% of your TV contract, is the minimum amount you'll need to have in total player salaries. If you don't reach that minimum, the difference between the floor and your players' salaries will be deducted from your cash reserves on a weekly basis, regardless.
All in all, it's in your best interest to meet that minimum in player salaries. The salary floor is there to ensure teams remain somewhat competitive, and don't profit too largely by carrying no player salary at all relative to their TV contract. TV contract is used in the salary floor calculation b/c TV contract is calculated based on all of the player salaries within your league. The higher the division you're in, the larger the %age of your TV contract that will be going to player salaries.
I kind of repeated the game manual, but hope this makes more sense to you now.
Last edited by a-o at 8/26/2012 10:26:52 PM