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suitable PG trainee?

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Date: 8/29/2012 7:17:56 PM
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I'm relatively new so not 100% sure on what fits the bill for a good trainee, could somebody please tell me whether or not the following would make a good PG trainee?

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: average Handling: respectable
Driving: pitiful Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: atrocious Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: mediocre Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: atrocious Free Throw: respectable

He's 18 and 6'2".

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225965.3 in reply to 225965.2
Date: 8/29/2012 9:37:17 PM
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Potential is perennial allstar - thanks I think I will train him with a view to sell.