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Set Lineup Bug

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From: tough
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Date: 8/30/2012 7:53:17 PM
Mountain Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
well just now (6:43 PM) I was going to set myy lineup since I barely came in time. Well............I'm trying to put the players I want in, but it doesn't have it in the drop menu in the players positions, backup positions, and reserve positions. So I was like "What the........." I tried both Firefox and Chrome but it still didn't do a drop menu. what gives?

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: GM-hrudey

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226051.2 in reply to 226051.1
Date: 8/30/2012 7:59:16 PM
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well just now (6:43 PM) I was going to set myy lineup since I barely came in time. Well............I'm trying to put the players I want in, but it doesn't have it in the drop menu in the players positions, backup positions, and reserve positions. So I was like "What the........." I tried both Firefox and Chrome but it still didn't do a drop menu. what gives?

Too late for this post to matter, but were you using the "rookie" setting? I know there are three different levels of settings complexity and I think if you're not using the highest one (allstar?) that you don't have all the options.

From: tough
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226051.3 in reply to 226051.2
Date: 8/31/2012 9:02:53 PM
Mountain Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
well since the cup is out of question.............I lost. Now comes the league game. I'm trying to get my league game lineup set and................I don't see nothing in the lineup doesn't even show the "players selected" what happened? I put my players in but they won't do the drop down in the starters, backups, and reserves section. :-/

Just trying to get my lineup set so I don't get a forfeit

thanks bbs

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: Jazz-Fan

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226051.4 in reply to 226051.3
Date: 9/1/2012 3:23:05 AM
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Same thing has happened to me the offense and defense comes up blank and when i set my lineup the player i selected comes up blank and also my league forum when i select "everybody" it comes up blank...Need help so i don't forfeit..

Garry Muir
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226051.5 in reply to 226051.4
Date: 9/1/2012 10:04:18 AM
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Second Team:
I see that you managed to set your lineup. What was the problem?

@tough: Did you try another computer or mobile phone? Are scripts disabled on your browsers? It's a very weird problem and I can't reproduce it. Let me know directly if it's still a problem.

From: tough

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226051.6 in reply to 226051.5
Date: 9/1/2012 11:30:01 AM
Mountain Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
aha. It doesn't work on Firefox, it doesn't work on chrome, I guess I have to settle with stupid IE...........cause thats the only place right now I can set my lineuups. It works on Explorer, just not anywhere else.

What are the scripts disabled? could you answer it? or would I have to go to the firefox helper thingy? thanks though for trying........

no I didn't try another computer though I did try to set my lineup at my school..........and got caught and have to go to detention

I don't have any other internet access in my house, since my moms lap top doesn't work no more and my aunt's phone just died on her. So my computer is the only one that has internet available.

anyways let me see the scripts firefox help guide.

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: BB-Marin

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226051.7 in reply to 226051.6
Date: 9/1/2012 11:49:38 AM
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Second Team:
Maybe you have some very strict permissions set that break our scripts? I don't know, I'm guessing here, too.
There's one way you can try to do to help me find the cause. Use Chrome to go to the page and then right click anywhere on the page, click "Inspect element", then click "Console" in the area that pops up and then select all the text there (errors) and copy that to a direct message to me. You may need to spread it into more messages if there's a lot of it.

This Post:
226051.8 in reply to 226051.5
Date: 9/1/2012 3:29:22 PM
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Thanks it is fixed now. I still don't know why it was doing what it was doing...

Garry Muir