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Minutes Required For GS Increase

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226106.2 in reply to 226106.1
Date: 8/31/2012 10:31:59 AM
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I thought you needed near 48 minutes if not more to get an increase in gameshape. This guy is injured, and he only got 39 minutes last week, yet his game shape increased:

Being below 48 increases your chances for a decline and lowers the chance of an increase, but there's also a random component to the calculation and randomness has this funny way of doing random things.

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226106.4 in reply to 226106.3
Date: 8/31/2012 10:43:41 AM
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I think it's crazy. If your player gets injured game shape should instantly go down, since your guy isn't in game shape, literally. I guess I should aim for an injury and 39 minutes if I want to have good game shape..

One week it may drop 2 levels in that circumstance. Another it might go up one. You were fortunate in this case, but planning future strategies based on replicating past lucky breaks is not the wisest course of action.

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226106.6 in reply to 226106.3
Date: 8/31/2012 11:43:27 AM
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Gameshape isn't an exact science my friend but managing gameshape in order to increase your the odds of your players having high gameshape isn't the difficult, you just have to plan ahead and don't ever start your best players 3 times a week.

Also, check your DMI from week to week. If the DMI increases on a player, it's probable his gameshape did as well. There are sublevels on gameshape just like the other skills.

Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 8/31/2012 12:07:18 PM

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226106.8 in reply to 226106.5
Date: 8/31/2012 12:54:21 PM
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It's very bizarre and as suggested by others in the thread, seems to be fairly random. My center actually improves gameshape best getting around 90 minutes a week, and I've got a small forward that peaks best around 60 minutes per week.

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226106.10 in reply to 226106.8
Date: 8/31/2012 1:24:04 PM
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I've noticed, correctly or not, that my high stamina players can play more minutes and keep/improve gameshape than my low stamina players. Haven't seen any studies on this and it could just be a coincidence.

And other players just seem to be a pain to keep high GS no matter how many minutes you give them. On the flip side, my 35 yr old guard spends almost every single week at proficient and rarely dips. There's definitely some randomness from player to player in that regard.