BuzzerBeater Forums

Suggestions > Custom Menu Improvement

Custom Menu Improvement

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Date: 08/31/2012 11:17:45
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Well, since this has just got moving and I found it very interesting, I'd like to suggest a couple improvement to it :)

1) Make us able to place horizontal bars, just like the standard menu, that would make it much easier to organize and look at things our way.

2) Links reordering. It's very frustrating to place a lot of links then realize you'd like to have something right at the top and then have to delete everything and start placing them again.

3) Let us completely replace the standard menu for the custom one, or just let us have an even shorter menu. If the custom menu gets totally flexible and easy to organize with these changes, I'd completely leave the standard menu behind, so I'd like to have the possibility to use my own menu instead of it.

4) Make the Custom Menu visible in the forum view.

Please share your thoughts on these and also feel free to add anything!

Last edited by Welington at 09/03/2012 13:44:57

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226113.2 in reply to 226113.1
Date: 09/02/2012 15:33:21
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