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Suggestions > Proposal for new feature

Proposal for new feature

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Date: 09/03/2012 10:00:56
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Yesterday I was watching a firend playing similar game as BuzzerBeater. It's called Hattrick and it's all about soceer. Anyway I liked one feature there, which would be great to have here as well. I think it's called Youth Accademy or something like that. Basically it's like your special team for young players where you can evolve and train your young players (for example U19 basketball players) before you can pick them up and put them in your main team.

I think this would be a better way of getting good young players into your team then drafting players where you can't realy know, what you are getting...


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226306.2 in reply to 226306.1
Date: 09/03/2012 10:52:15
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This has been talked about here, but it wouldn't work with the concept over here, as we've the draft.. :)

From: Sluuge

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226306.4 in reply to 226306.3
Date: 09/03/2012 13:29:05
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I am not too familiar with hattrick as I don't like the game, too confusing etc.. but I think you get players between like 14-17, you have to train them, and then promote them to your main team.. your youth team also plays games and have their own competition

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226306.5 in reply to 226306.4
Date: 09/03/2012 13:53:29
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Something like that...