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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Not made update of the prices

Not made update of the prices

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From: McKw
This Post:
Date: 9/4/2012 3:12:06 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Further to my rise(ascent) in league III, I had increased the price of places in my room.
The problem it is because the modification was not taken into account during the update of last Saturday:/

Without the modification of the prices I find myself with $20 000 a week and I cannot even take advantage of the increase of the public further to my rise(ascent)...

Can you make the modification?

Thank you,


Suite à ma montée en ligue III, j'avais augmenté le prix des places dans ma salle.
Le souci c'est que la modification n'a pas été prise en compte lors de la mise à jour de samedi dernier :/

Sans la modification des prix je me retrouve avec -20 000$ par semaine et je ne peux même pas profiter de la hausse du public suite à ma montée...

Y-aurait-il un moyen pour permettre la modification du prix des billets?

En vous remerciant,

From: BB-Marin

To: McKw
This Post:
226363.2 in reply to 226363.1
Date: 9/4/2012 9:29:58 AM
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Second Team:
That must mean that you didn't do it on time. I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that.

From: McKw

This Post:
226363.3 in reply to 226363.2
Date: 9/4/2012 11:16:24 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I did do it on August 30th...

From: mickpiet

To: McKw
This Post:
226363.4 in reply to 226363.3
Date: 9/4/2012 12:53:40 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I did do it on August 30th...

Prices have been updated at the beginning of the season ... so August 25th ...
Next update : September 18th

Last edited by mickpiet at 9/4/2012 12:54:05 PM

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