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Suggestions > training structure and scrimmage revenue

training structure and scrimmage revenue

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Date: 09/06/2012 16:20:19
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I really enjoy this game. It has a lot of neat features that make it fun and challenging. do have a couple of things I wish to comment on. first, with regards to training, why can't you have simultaneous training structures instead of having to train specific groups each week, for instance training your guards, forwards etc., on one week and your bigsd on a different week. I think there's been some talk previously about this and there was apparently some concern about unfair advantages/disadvantages to teams. Why is this? seems that the training would be more efficient if it were done concurrently. 2nd, if, as it seems, fan attendance and ticket revenue play very little, if any, part in scrimmages, why have the option of choosing "home" or "away" venues when challenging an opponent to a scrimmage?

From: rcvaz

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226518.5 in reply to 226518.4
Date: 09/07/2012 13:18:24
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I agree. It's that balance between short-term goals (winning the next game) and long term goals (training) that requires management.

From: rcvaz

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226518.7 in reply to 226518.6
Date: 09/07/2012 15:23:59
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And it's not like it's always a sacrifice. When players are 18 or 19, playing them 48 mins out of position in a league game tends to mean a defeat. But you can use it to save enthusiasm and manage the other games better. However, when they become older and less of a liability, playing them out of position can also mean a world of mismatches for your opponents (just look at some of the games of the Czech NT!).

So I have to agree that this current training format is one of the best features of this game, and doesn't need any major changes.