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Suggestions > Some more action reels (esp for rivals)

Some more action reels (esp for rivals)

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From: Axis123
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Date: 09/10/2012 05:53:05
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I was thinking of the commentary and how it could be more exciting...

It would be cool to see something like, "Player X tries to stop Player Y but is posterized by a massive dunk." This could replace other commentary but not have any affect on the GE.

It would be good for rivalries etc. and would help people get more into the game.

Other ideas in commentary..

Blocks - "swatted away" "put that one in the 5th row" etc..
Steals - after third or so steal, could be called a pickpocet..

There's probably loads more with some brainstorming, but the dunks thing should definitely be first.

From: Axis123

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226715.2 in reply to 226715.1
Date: 09/11/2012 03:39:52
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I guess this idea was really rubbish then!!

From: Axis123

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226715.4 in reply to 226715.3
Date: 09/18/2012 01:47:19
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Thanks for the response.

Yeah, I can see how those things would be issues. How do you know the user base is decreasing?

From: Axis123

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226715.6 in reply to 226715.5
Date: 09/18/2012 03:58:59
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If they cracked down on farming... like got rid of FA of NT and/or made it so that when players went FA their flag went to the BB flag (no longer can play on NT) then I think we would find that 24k or so accounts would quit right away, since all they are is farm accounts.
Yeah, I definitely believe this.

I guess it's a tough situation for them because the only way for it really to get bigger is to go fb integration, but then to do that it costs probably a lot of money, which is a risk that may not pay off..

From: Axis123

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226715.8 in reply to 226715.7
Date: 09/18/2012 10:04:56
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Yeah probably. It would be to the benefit of both businesses.