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what skill groupings for each position?

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Date: 10/23/2007 4:11:51 PM
Balls of Steel
Overall Posts Rated:
what skills are best for each position?

For example, while I assume that Jump Shot and Jump Range are critical for a shooting guard, what other skill are critical?

I am not asking for a complete list, if someone could give me the 2-3 most important for each position I would be most thankful
(maybe this will be released in the 'major rules rewrite' discussed in the News today

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2299.6 in reply to 2299.4
Date: 10/24/2007 12:20:38 AM
Balls of Steel
Overall Posts Rated:
I'm writing this email as a normal user, I do not have "secret informations" on the match engine.]

well do you think things such as this will be addressed when the Rules are rewritten??

From: dennis54

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2299.8 in reply to 2299.2
Date: 10/24/2007 6:28:09 AM
Balls of Steel
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And I of course have NO knowledge of how the game engine is written, however based on the skills this is how I would match them up.

Point Guard - the PG should be best at getting the ball to the team mate who is open, or create an opportunity, thus-
(1) Handling, Passing
(2) Outside Defense, Driving
(3) Jump Shot, Jump Range, Inside Shot

Shooting Guard - the SG should be able to put the ball up from anywhere, anytime
(1) Jump Shot, Jump Range
(2) Handling, Passing,
(3) Driving, Outside Defense, Inside Shot

Small Forward - should be the most athletic player with most varied skill set
(1) Jump Shot, Jump Range, Outside Defense
(2) Handling, Passing, Driving
(3) Inside Shot, Inside Defense
(4) Rebounding

Power Forward:
(1) Inside Shot, Inside Defense
(2) Rebounds, Blocks
(3) Driving, Passing
(4) Jump Shot, Handling

(1) Inside Shot, Inside Defense, Rebounds
(2) Blocks
(3) Handling, Passing

anyway, the rules (as they are today) state that
"a great inside defender and rebounder will find it easier to improve his shot blocking than a poor inside defender and poor rebounder would. This encourages you to develop players with a combination of skills, but there are many combinations of skills which work well together"

I am just trying to figure out A) how to get the best player at each position on the court, and B) how to maximize training based on what the rules state.

I hope that more veteran players can give me more perspective.

@ damena- I agree with alot of what your posted

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2299.9 in reply to 2299.8
Date: 10/24/2007 6:43:16 AM
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I think handling is not required for C and PF.

If you want to train center's handing skill, you must put him on SF position.

So maybe center doesn't need this skill at all , because Ball Handing is deal with Outside.def

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2299.10 in reply to 2299.9
Date: 10/24/2007 7:09:16 AM
Balls of Steel
Overall Posts Rated:
Handling for Centers-
you might be correct. Maybe I dont understand what "handling" means. To me all players need handling- they all need to be able to receive a pass and either go up for a shot or pass the ball. That is why I put Handling and passing down on every position. While BB may have a different meaning, that is my reasoning.

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2299.11 in reply to 2299.10
Date: 10/24/2007 7:23:54 AM
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Just keep in mind that all players can benefit from all skills. Obviously, certain players use certain skills primarily, secondarily, and so on. Giving your center handling training, for example, certainly wouldn't be useless.