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Suggestions > Super Premium features....

Super Premium features....

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From: WFUnDina

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230891.5 in reply to 230891.4
Date: 11/27/2012 1:08:11 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I would definitely pay to name my draftees!

From: yodabig

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230891.8 in reply to 230891.2
Date: 11/30/2012 4:13:36 AM
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I have always been in favour of this. They have renamed players before. Some were as part of a competition. Another was when someone complained that their player called "Coon" was a racist name and so he was edited and that name was removed from the database. It takes a manual edit, but lets say it takes 30 seconds to do but they earn $5, that is $600 an hour not a bad rate really. I think $40 is way too much, I could get an entire new game for that.

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230891.11 in reply to 230891.1
Date: 12/1/2012 8:42:09 AM
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I really like idea#2 and idea#3.i play a cricket management game and in that game a user can change his country(regardless of the place where he lives) at the end of every season by giving some extra bucks.this maintains the average number of players in all the countries because many teams of big nations move to micronations and boost the number of players of that nation.
and the idea of selecting the name of your draftee is a nice idea and if i remember correctly there was a competition during the FIFA world cup 2010 in which the winner was given the freedom to change the name of one of his draftees.i would love to have such a feature in this game.