ya beat me to it!
Just to comment further on the owner situation - There are several options that are available here. Basically we are suggesting that a mechanism be put in place such that someone can't go in and delete a federation when it is still active/has users, in a vengeful manner.
Some options
1) Have it such that there are mutiple owners of a federation and that both must agree to federation deletion.
2) Put in a facility such that a Federatin cannot be deleted unless another moderator also accepts the deletion.
3) Remove the option to delete a federation! (obvious one!)
4) Something else?
There may also need to be soem other measures put in place, such as if a Federation has more than 5 members, a non-owner Moderator is required. Or if the owner of a Federation goes bot/banned, auto-migrate ownership to the first moderator on the list. If a federation hasn't been active for more tahn 3 months, remove it or something like this.