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Bugs, bugs, bugs > external link / password question

external link / password question

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From: LJno2
This Post:
Date: 3/16/2013 5:19:21 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

It is about team from my league (163800).

When you click on this team there will a window appear from some external web page asking for login details.

So strange, I have reported this to local GM but he advised to put it onto BUGs forum.

So here I am. If it is not a bug there might be danger of hacking some users accounts.

From: BB-Marin

This Post:
238939.3 in reply to 238939.1
Date: 3/18/2013 10:12:27 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The team in question is using images (for his logo and banner) stored on a server behind a password. The server won't give you access to those images and is asking for credentials. This only happens on Mozilla and it's not a security risk, so i guess you can just ignore it. We can't do anything other than change the logo and banner of the user.