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BB Global (English) > Long Menu VS Short Menu

Long Menu VS Short Menu

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From: E.B.W.
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Date: 3/23/2013 4:18:34 PM
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So I've been curious for awhile about something. I have always used the longer menu on the side even though the shorter menu is recommended. I feel like the long menu is easier to access things and more detailed which is why I like it better. Does anyone else use the longer unrecommended menu too, or is it just me?

Poll:  Do you use the long menu or the short menu?


Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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239410.3 in reply to 239410.1
Date: 3/23/2013 4:41:33 PM
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I've never really had trouble finding what I was looking for. It took me a while to find out there was a Long Menu and I was already very used to the short one when I did, so I never switched.

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239410.4 in reply to 239410.1
Date: 3/23/2013 5:08:42 PM
Spartan 300
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Spartan Kids
Long Menu for me.

This is where we hold them!
From: Kilrtom
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239410.5 in reply to 239410.4
Date: 3/23/2013 5:49:09 PM
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Length matters

Manager of the Bahamas National Team!
From: E.B.W.
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239410.6 in reply to 239410.5
Date: 3/24/2013 1:32:35 AM
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So... I have pretty much concluded that BB should switch the Long Menu to the recommended menu instead of the short menu. I think it would help new managers explore more through the game, not to mention more people use it and it seems to work better.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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239410.7 in reply to 239410.1
Date: 3/24/2013 6:27:24 PM
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There isn't even an explanation of why the short menu's better. Doesn't make sense.

From: Knecht
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239410.8 in reply to 239410.7
Date: 3/27/2013 6:59:19 PM
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I have a huge screen and thus I use the long menu. Like a bawse.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
From: Big Dogs

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239410.9 in reply to 239410.8
Date: 3/28/2013 5:40:11 PM
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I just started using the long menu a couple days ago. Not bad, but I'm a lot more used to the short menu.

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239410.10 in reply to 239410.6
Date: 3/29/2013 10:10:57 PM
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The short menu is recommended because it helps new managers understand how to use the basics of the game before flooding them with all of the other stuff. When all they can see is the team link, league, manage my team, and the forum it helps herd them in that direction. That way rather than spending the first bit of their time trying to figure out which part of the menu is important they can figure out how to work those important parts.

Because I know what I want I find it easier to use the long menu to get there though. So maybe it should say recommended for beginners?

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239410.11 in reply to 239410.1
Date: 5/30/2013 3:04:46 PM
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I love the long menu. I've never used anything else. :-)