One more match to go and our World League of Heroes will end for most of us.
I have seen nice courts and plays everywhere; to me a suprising high ending to the teams of KK Olympia and Pinkpik VIP. Respect to those especially.
Most probably the FINALS will be Dragons-Giants. Good luck to both of them.
I would like to thank ALL the coaches and hope to see them again someday; somewhere...
Do not hesitate to contact me if in case you have a question or just want to scrimmage or join another Privae League!!
I will cherish our battles on the BB courts all over the world.
Until then we remain..
Last edited by GM-Rijswijker at 4/12/2008 11:57:48 AM
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."