before i report this as a bug, i wanted to see if my experience was in the realm of reasonable . . .
i had a player
(19246895) get hurt for two weeks. naturally, his game shape dropped in that period, down to average. i think it had been strong, possibly proficient, and so i thought the drop a bit precipitous, but, whatever, them's the breaks of the game.
when he finally came back, his first full week in a while, he got 74 minutes. his GS on Monday was average. i thought that strange, but figured it was one of those random things built into the game.
the following week, a second full week, he played 70 minutes.
i was astonished to see this morning that his game shape remains at average.
does this make any sense? has anybody had a similar experience, somebody whose poor GS seems immune to playing time? or is this a bug?