This season in BB, I put on my best Billy Beane impression and tried to do the best I could with a very cheap team relative to the competition. For the entire season I was below the salary floor, and was 12th in squad salaries as of the playoffs, with only 4 abandoned newbie teams below me. 6 of the teams above me had squad salaries more than double mine. As a side note, why does this game have such poor retention, there were several new users coming into my league this season but none of them stayed... but I digress.
Despite having such low salaries, I was actually doing really well in the regular season. A combination of managing my own team well, salary efficient players, and other managers in the league managing their teams poorly, allowed me to surge to a 16-6 record and finish as the #2 seed in the Great 8. Both myself and another manager in the league considered it a fine achievement to have won so many games with a team that seemingly had no star players at all.
Unfortunately, much like the real life Oakland A's, things didn't go so well in the playoffs. You see, with HCA, and playing against a team with no depth whatsoever, I thought I could get away with a Playoff Normal, which would give me an outside shot of beating Moosa in the conference final. How wrong I was.
(58835384)1-23 three point shooting when my outside scoring was equal to his outside defence. 31-16 final quarter when his team had 4 players that played 48 minutes or close to it. BB logic never seems to make sense... but his team's weekly wages were triple that of mine so I can't exactly say I was robbed.
Here's what my squad looks like. $72,568 weekly salary, though it'll certainly be at least a bit higher next season because I was training Bradbury, Cicvaric and Yray: thoughts?
Last edited by Jay (OTT) at 5/29/2013 7:12:56 AM