Anche in bb mela, ma dicci cosa succede..qui la banda del troll non resiste più!!11!
Previously on buzzerbeater:
Io: Very nice way to play this game from Russia. I bet that Manduchi (24968133) will play 48 minutes thursday.
Pe re pe pe pe pe: Well... Isn't he a nice player ? Capable to play in D2 ? Isn't it an italian team who is putting him on sale while he arguably has an important game next Monday ?
I don't know the motives of the rusian team, but you don't either, but by saying that you encourage any team to do it what you think he is willing to do.
Io: I don't believe believe in coincidence, the offer came just after we won with polony. The italian team committed an error but in good faith and he's trying to make amends. There is no good faith in that offer. If you think so, you're naive.
Anyway, we'll see thursday, if the russian team buy him and play 48 minutes i think that you can't hide the head under the ground.
Bulgaro: And? This is a mistake Italian training system, and specifically yours. If the Russian use it, it will not go against the rules.
Io: I'm not saying it's against the rule, i'm saying that it's a really bad way to play a game.
Anyway, if they are glad to play this way, good for them.
Is it my mistake? I don't have the control of other account, if he want to sell the player i can't do nothing other that ask him to not do it. But if you want to believe otherwise...