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Season 24 News and Changes

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From: Flamen
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Date: 6/18/2013 5:06:31 PM
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So season 24 offseason is finally over. New changes come in form of gs drops for new players, making the market a little bit more user friendly and trying to solve the still ongoing look inside problem.

What do you think about this changes? Is BB going on the right direction?

Poll:  Do you like Season 24 changes?
Response Votes Result

yes 84
74.3% 74.3% 74.3%
no 17
15.0% 15.0% 15.0%
Only Game engine changes 12
10.6% 10.6% 10.6%

This poll ended on 7/18/2013.

From: Bballin

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244402.2 in reply to 244402.1
Date: 6/18/2013 5:26:50 PM
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I have one question, will free agents still be on the market for 3 days, or will it be 4, 5, 6 or 7 now?

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244402.4 in reply to 244402.1
Date: 6/18/2013 5:40:06 PM
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I love the transfer list changes. Those are fantastic! Especially 8 search fields for supporters. GS drops on new players is fair. Time will tell on shot blocking and look inside, but I think it's a legitimate attempt.

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244402.5 in reply to 244402.1
Date: 6/18/2013 6:29:22 PM
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I like the changes, and I like the anticipations of some of the next changes (walk-over and brand new managers can't vote for elections).

But honestly, these are still minor changes, I'd like to see something more important... ASG, draft, economy... there's so much to do.

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244402.6 in reply to 244402.4
Date: 6/18/2013 6:35:23 PM
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The TL views are pretty interesting. It lets you know how much competition you have haha.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
From: Wakes
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244402.7 in reply to 244402.1
Date: 6/18/2013 7:21:03 PM
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I think they're all good changes. I'm sure the GE may still need to be tinkered with, but the GMs have said as much. I think it would be effective as well to see outside tactics boosted a little bit- any good OD slaughters perimeter shooters.

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244402.9 in reply to 244402.8
Date: 6/19/2013 5:55:30 AM
white snake
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Black Forest Boars
The GS drop is cool, but the new option with the 3-7 days on the TL could backfire.
As far as I see, you sell a player and he gets his drop. Now you're selling a player on monday. He gets his drop and the new owner has to wait until friday for a better GS. but if you set the deadline for thursday, the player receives his drop (e.g. from 9 to 6), has around 60 minutes and the next day he goes up from 6 to 8. so the new owner has nothing to lose. and this could be a new reason for high sum transfers on thursdays and maybe even wednesdays. and on the other days, you can buy cheap players, give them around 60 minutes and sell them one week later (on a thursday) for 2x or 3x the price.

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244402.10 in reply to 244402.9
Date: 6/19/2013 11:38:02 AM
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The Season 24 announcement, when talking about the GS hit, says that it should be affected for a couple weeks. I believe that even with proper GS management, i.e. your example, the GS hit will still pose a problem for a quick turnover of players and not be a new reason for high sum transfers.

I have 1757 players for sale and I'm $25,835,360 in debt. Buy them at outrageous prices, or be selfish and make me go bankrupt. You decide, BB.
From: Tesse

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244402.11 in reply to 244402.10
Date: 6/19/2013 11:47:03 AM
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The Milk
plus 2 turnovers in a short while means two drops....I don't see a big profit there.

Crunchy! If you eat fast enough