My last game leaves me feeling really happy about the new changes. Theres no way on earth my team would win this match last year. I put in lower effort , had inferior players and have no real offensive strengths so i played base offence. My opponent played a big men with 1.1 million dmi , and had decent guards on the floor no better or worse than mine overall. I was even training my rookie PG with 5k salary in this match. Yet somehow i managed to be leading by 30 points at one point before half time and the game was never in doubt.
(59449562)Its pretty clear i had the stronger bench and thats when my big run of like 20 unanswered started but im pretty sure i would have been blown away if this match had taken place a year earlier.
You can say home court advantage but if thats worth 7-8 points then i still doubt im 11-12 points better than that team on less effort.