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Suggestions > Hiding partially the potential

Hiding partially the potential

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From: tykit
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Date: 7/29/2013 9:45:32 AM
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Hi everybody.
I can already imagine that many managers could jump off their chairs reading this suggestion, still i'm going to do it ^^.
I'll start by two examples from reality (i'm sure everybody can add other examples) :
Who in the 80's and even the early 90's could ever imagine that Karl Malone would become a Hall of Famer one day ?
In the opposite, many specialists had told in the middle 90's that Penny Hardaway would become one of the greatest in the league for a decade ... they were wrong.
The potential as a parameter is essential in the game. But seeing it at the first start of the pro carreer of a player screws a lot of things IMO (like trading, NT, multi etc.)

What I would like to suggest, is to partially hide the potential of players.
option 1 : hide it until a certain age (21 for example). Keeping the "ball system" (as in the draft) for the 2-3 first seasons as a pro.
option 2 : link the ability of seeing the true potential with the trainer level. A world re-nowned trainer knows how a future MVP looks like. Not a basic one.
option 3 : both of 1 and 2.

This suggestion is not totally complete, but do you think something in this way could make the game more interesting ?

From: Phoenix

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246060.2 in reply to 246060.1
Date: 7/29/2013 11:02:13 AM
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Never thought about something like that but it sounds great!

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From: Coolbobj

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246060.3 in reply to 246060.1
Date: 7/30/2013 12:49:58 AM
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I like it.

From: E.B.W.

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246060.4 in reply to 246060.1
Date: 7/31/2013 12:56:37 AM
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I personally enjoy the ball system idea. It means you would know the general potential of your guy but would keep things interesting. As for option 2 though, I hate it. I feel like a ton of people would just buy a WRT for a day to see the potential and then fire him. With that being said I think option now would be really cool but I doubt it will ever be implanted.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
From: Coolbobj

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246060.5 in reply to 246060.4
Date: 7/31/2013 5:59:29 PM
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Yeah, that's true. Option 2 is too easy to abuse.

From: HAHA

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246060.6 in reply to 246060.1
Date: 7/31/2013 7:10:02 PM
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I like option 1 idea ...

This Post:
246060.7 in reply to 246060.1
Date: 7/31/2013 9:57:49 PM
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I like your idea and I like your thinking
I have some comments.
There are some impacts to the game and specifically, the transfer market if we change the display of the potential.
Having a 'ball' system like the draft, on the transfer market, would probably kill the transfer market. There is reason why there is such a financial gap between a Superstar potential and MVP potential. and even greater gap between MVP and HoF'er. Changing this would cause financial disparity with bidding and have a major impact on transfer market.

So I like this thinking - but the impacts to the transfer market IMO are too big.

I like your underlying concept
a) The potential of a player when he is 18 does not determine whether or not he will reach that potential. and
b) a low potential player at 18 may actually go beyond that as he gets older.

I think point a) above is already covered in the game. Injuries, poor user training etc means that a HoF potential player may never reach that potential. So i think that scenario is covered.
However point b) is an interesting one. Perhaps there could be a mechanism that allows people to train beyond the players listed potential?

Maybe a combination of things - If we use real life scearnios, a good trainer/coach, good team mates, good game scenarios can make an 'average potential player' become more than that.
Soif we translated that into BB-game concepts, then it could be:
Trainer level, roster team-mates, and Experience

Trainer level - higher trainer level increases chances of going above potential.
Roster/team-mates - If your player players with other 'good players', then this can contribute to him going above his potential (not sure about this one, would need some tweaking)
Experience - The higher level of Experience that the player has, the greater chance of going above his potential.

Just throwing some other idea's out there.

From: E.B.W.

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246060.9 in reply to 246060.8
Date: 8/1/2013 9:43:18 PM
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I think you are making this too complicated. Simply keeping it like the draft would be perfectly fine. No need to change anything with the potentially possibility or how a player improves in certain leagues (Especially because in some nations it is much easier to get to and stay in a higher league). All i think needs to happen in order to make things more interesting is to hide the potential with the draft ball system until they are 20-21.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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246060.11 in reply to 246060.4
Date: 8/2/2013 2:55:07 PM
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Even if players were to buy WRT for a day it would still require a bit of investment to get this information so it is not so bad. You could require that all staff is hired for a minimum of 3-5 weeks to help avoid this.

If this were used I think a system like this would work

Level 6 trainer is accurate within 1 ranking
Level 5 trainer is accurate within 2 rankings
Level 4 trainer is accurate within 3 rankings etc.

This unfortunately gives high division teams an even bigger advantage and I think it would take new teams even longer to compete at higher levels. Imagine your MVP player really being and allstar because you can only afford a level 3 player. It could some players to quit playing.

I have what I think is the best idea below but I know it will never happen.

I personally think that each individual stat should have a potential level attached to it (hidden) and the overall potential (unhidden) is some combination of those other potentials. It drives me nuts that every single player with amazing potential can be pretty much anything you want him to be. As good as Shaq was, no amount of training would ever have made him a 3 point threat.