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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Can not delete old bookmarks

Can not delete old bookmarks

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Date: 8/8/2013 1:48:05 AM
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When I try to delete old bookmarks I get this message: "Oops!

Something went wrong with your request. The error has automatically been logged and reported to BuzzerBeater developers. Some errors go away when you hit the back button and try again. If you continue to get an error, you can post about it in the bugs forum.
On the new site, the most common reason for this error is because you were trying to access a page that assumed you were logged in when in fact you were not (probably becuase your session timed out). So simply logging in and trying again might solve your problem. We are working on fixing this more elegantly. "

I am not accessing a page that assumed I were logged in and I were not - I am logged in every time I get this message - now I have recieved the message more than 20 times, and still can not delete my old bookmarks.

Best regards


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246322.2 in reply to 246322.1
Date: 8/8/2013 6:01:11 AM
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i have the same Problem since more than a week now. i´ve mailed marin about this, but no Response.

i guess he has his (well deserved) Holidays and we just have to wait. the Problem only occurs if i use Internet Explorer, so that might help to Switch to Firefox or some other browser.

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246322.3 in reply to 246322.1
Date: 8/12/2013 6:32:14 AM
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Second Team:
Yeah, I was on a vacation, good guess. Can you both post the exact browser versions you're using? Thanks.

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246322.4 in reply to 246322.3
Date: 8/12/2013 4:20:09 PM
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It is Mozilla Firefox version 23.0 - I have no problems using Chrome or Explorer - which mean - it is fixed.

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246322.5 in reply to 246322.4
Date: 8/15/2013 10:19:37 AM
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Second Team:
I've fixed and tested it for IE10, so the issue should be fixed now.