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Too soon to leave D5?

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From: Jahill
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Date: 8/8/2013 11:06:39 AM
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Alright guys I have a semi important question for you all. I'm looking at my team and then I look at the D4 teams. My team and arena doesn't compare very favorably to even the bad teams in the leagues above me. I'm worried that I'll end up going up and then going right back down to D5. Now my question is, exactly how bad is this if it happens, and what should my strategy be here is my question I guess. None of my trainees are very good or are only 18 and 19. I was thinking that I would go into a tougher D5 where I could bide my time to get decent but I can't even lose to these bot teams if I try. And then I don't want to end up promoting anyways without the attendance bonus.

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246337.2 in reply to 246337.1
Date: 8/8/2013 11:35:53 AM
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Always promote if you have the opportunity. You'll get a promotion bonus and make far more arena and merchandise money in the higher division.

Even if you relegate back the following season you'll be much further ahead financially but as most people find, the higher division won't be nearly as tough as you're expecting. If you've figured out how to manage gameshape and enthusiasm you'll almost certainly be able to avoid relegation without making huge changes to your roster.

Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 8/8/2013 12:21:44 PM

From: Jahill

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246337.4 in reply to 246337.3
Date: 8/8/2013 3:26:10 PM
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Well I think I've got my game shape pretty much figured out, I'm able to keep my main guys at around strong-prominent. The words of encouragement make me feel a little better.

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246337.5 in reply to 246337.4
Date: 8/8/2013 6:14:22 PM
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If you can get out of div 5, you should go for it. Even with a less skilled team, you should be able to stay afloat with good gameshape and enthusiasm management. I'm talking about ending in 5-7 th place and avoiding relegation. Even if you do relate, you should be able to find a good draftee to train and lead your team for the next run to div 4.

From: Hunterz

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246337.7 in reply to 246337.4
Date: 8/8/2013 9:03:26 PM
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Well I think I've got my game shape pretty much figured out, I'm able to keep my main guys at around strong-prominent.

Prominent GS will make you better than 100% of bb managers. :P

Seriously though, Promote and you'll be fine. You can up ticket prices and with the promotion bonus you can expand the arena. You'll be much stronger financially as Beener said. You will likely have money to acquire a guy or two that can keep you afloat and avoid relegation as well while still making more per week than you currently do and training those young guys.

Manage GS and Enthusiasm and use the extra money wisely and relegation won't even be a concern for you.

Good Luck.

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246337.8 in reply to 246337.4
Date: 8/11/2013 10:40:21 PM
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Another key that many lower division managers can't seem to figure out is that you shouldn't try to win every, single game. Planning to lose some games will become a very effective weapon which will help you both avoid relegation and eventually promote.

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246337.9 in reply to 246337.4
Date: 8/12/2013 6:17:02 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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You should promote. The promotion bonus, increased TV money and attendance boost will generate enough money to improve your arena and roster to stay in the league. You've got a whole season to prepare for a possible relegation series, which should be enough if you're an active manager (which I think you are seeing you post in the forums).

Worst case scenario; you use your money to improve your arena and roster, end up relegating but having a high draft pick because of a bad season, which could end up with a nice trainee. When you're back in D5 you're surely stronger than the opposition because of your improved arena and roster.