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Capped Player Training

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Date: 8/15/2013 1:09:37 PM
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How big of a hit does a players training take when they are capped? I will be doing some One-on-One training next year and I have a player that is certainly capped but I am considering training them a little since I have only 3 other guys that I am training.

The players is a little older so normally every 3-4 weeks would result in a driving pop. Does a capped players train at 50% effectiveness resulting in 6-8 weeks per pop? Is it 33% effectiveness resulting in 9-12 weeks per pop? Or is the training effectiveness even lower.

I do not expect any perfect numbers or answers but any general ideas would be appreciated.

I do not need the normal "don't waste your time training this guy" comment that always comes up from someone not 18 years old with great potential. If I can get ever 1 pop in anything from a 25 year old capped player I would be more than happy. I have the training slot open so I figure I might as well try to get blood from a stone on this guy.

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246517.2 in reply to 246517.1
Date: 8/15/2013 1:29:28 PM
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Train him, I say. Since you have 6 slots open, it's not a waste anyway.

Especially if he's your key player, he'll give you quality minutes, unlike a scrub trainee which you would buy, and make marginal profit in selling him afterwards..

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246517.3 in reply to 246517.1
Date: 8/15/2013 6:38:57 PM
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The progress is almost 0. I once trained a capped player for like 12 weeks to squeeze one more up out - and quit because there was no (visible) progress.

On the other hand, if you have the training slot open anyway - you might get lucky and get a pop because your guy has high sublevels.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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246517.4 in reply to 246517.3
Date: 8/15/2013 8:05:19 PM
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He needs a whatever trainee anyway, if someone's minutes get messed up, sacrifice this capped guy's minutes

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246517.5 in reply to 246517.1
Date: 8/15/2013 9:27:07 PM
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I think I read somewhere, and this might be dead wrong, that a capped player trains at about 1/6th the speed of a non capped player.

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246517.6 in reply to 246517.5
Date: 8/15/2013 9:37:37 PM
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1/6th is 16% which is around what I was figuring. A normal 3 weeks would turn into 18 weeks which would make not getting a pop after 12 weeks make sense.

My sublevel in DR =0.6ish and HA = 0.3ish

My guy is 6'1" with the elastic effect on his side so 6-7 weeks of 1-on-1 might get him a pop in driving. Handling might be a stretch but it is worth the shot.

Thanks to everyone that offered advice on this.

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246517.7 in reply to 246517.4
Date: 8/16/2013 8:34:52 AM
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BBmail me , I need help also

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246517.8 in reply to 246517.1
Date: 8/19/2013 12:59:43 AM
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I've been training Pressure for PG/SG primarily this season, and I've had OD pops for a 26yo with star potential and a 24yo with starter potential. They are part of my regular rotation, so they're in the training mix anyway. Certainly not expected but nice bonuses as they are two of the three guards who play regularly and now they're even better in a critical skill.

I'm not sure if it's blood from a stone or not, but it didn't suck!