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5% interest on debt

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From: HAHA
This Post:
Date: 8/26/2013 12:28:41 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
7/30/2012 5% interest on debt $ 1 894
11/26/2012 5% interest on debt $ 6 197
2/25/2013 5% interest on debt $ 1 097
5/6/2013 5% interest on debt $ 1 345
5/13/2013 5% interest on debt $ 3 087
5/27/2013 5% interest on debt $ 3 233
7/29/2013 5% interest on debt $ 652
8/5/2013 5% interest on debt $ 2 938
8/12/2013 5% interest on debt $ 13 273
8/19/2013 5% interest on debt $ 16 192
8/26/2013 5% interest on debt $ 9 706

I've paid the interest for 5 consecutive weeks ... Right now it's -$400K already ...

The question is: Should I sell the trainees or keep them and fight to win the playoff games?

From: Jaakki

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246801.2 in reply to 246801.1
Date: 8/26/2013 5:37:54 AM
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It makes absolutely no sense to be on debt at all. You probably have a decent chance for a title - which is good - and you are almost for sure the first in your conference, which gives you more money on playoff games. You should take a serious consideration that as you have two games on the road this week and therefore absolutely no gate receipts at all. When already having about -200k cash deficit and paying about 274k for you salaries, it would push you on the verge of 500k debt. That would be a bugger to auction all your players in the playoffs.

Sell enough of your players to break even. It seems that you already have put 3 players on TL, try to get enough cash by Sunday (which means that the latest to you can put them to TL is on Thursday). If you manage to sell all 3 of them, consider buying an utility player later on if possible to manage your game shapes. This means if you're willing to play scrimmages and train your trainees.

From: HAHA

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246801.3 in reply to 246801.2
Date: 8/26/2013 11:39:06 AM
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Thanks for your reply first.

It's really a tough decision. I want to get promotion, but money-wise, I should sell them and get myself out of debt first. As the playoff will start soon, I really doubt those trainees would be sold at a good price as most of us would go for utility players and be ready for the playoff.

The worst case is I fail to get promotion and fail to sell those trainees, just go straight to bankrupt. :(

From: Jaakki

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246801.4 in reply to 246801.3
Date: 8/26/2013 12:17:05 PM
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That's the risk I wouldn't want to take. Sometimes it's better to take a step down and consider your chances in a longer run. Every time you have to spend interests, it's a waste of money. If you're not 100% to promote, it's time to rebuild - even though it would hurt right now.

Just take a look at my team. I'm making money but won't promote as pahkitsa (172888) has a team no-one is able to beat if he has money to waste 700k weekly. He's got to have had an enormous bankroll prior his surge for an ultimate team.

This Post:
246801.5 in reply to 246801.1
Date: 8/26/2013 3:35:55 PM
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You're on the verge of bankruptcy so if you're interested in starting over with a brand new team in a couple of weeks then yes, of course you should keep all your players, continue training and fight to win playoff games.

Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 8/26/2013 3:36:56 PM

This Post:
246801.6 in reply to 246801.5
Date: 8/27/2013 11:50:00 AM
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I want to keep them ... two players had been in my team since my first game ...

Possibly, I would sell many of them if I fail to get promotion ...

This Post:
246801.7 in reply to 246801.6
Date: 8/27/2013 12:24:14 PM
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You missed my sarcasm there.

If you don't shed salary and increase your bottom line soon, the decision on who you get to keep and who gets sold will be out of your hands and everyone of significance will be sold off.

This Post:
246801.8 in reply to 246801.7
Date: 8/28/2013 1:54:00 PM
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I will wait and see ... Hope my team wont go bankrupt ...

Hope one of my trainees would be sold this week or next week ...

Last edited by HAHA at 8/28/2013 1:55:01 PM

From: Mr. Glass

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246801.9 in reply to 246801.8
Date: 8/31/2013 7:40:57 PM
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Keep your best players and fire your worst ones 5-8 man line u. Go with your best tactic and hope for the best, that what I would do.

You might can promote.

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