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From: Hannan
This Post:
Date: 4/18/2008 12:47:51 AM
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Hey i just started this game yesterday and i would like some help
Im in my second full season of HT so i know i bit about manager games
Im a huge basketball fan and know quite a bit about it

Heres My team

[New Zealand]
Point Guard
Tom Arena (4437373)
Weekly salary: $ 2 321
DMI: 5600
Age: 26
Height: 5'11" / 180 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: mediocre Jump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: average
Driving: awful Passing: average
Inside Shot: atrocious Inside Def.: mediocre
Rebounding: mediocre Shot Blocking: inept
Stamina: respectable Free Throw: atrocious

Experience: atrocious

[New Zealand]
Point Guard
Sid Bartram (4437371)
Weekly salary: $ 1 490
DMI: 4100
Age: 31
Height: 6'0" / 183 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: mediocre Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: atrocious Handling: awful
Driving: average Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: mediocre Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: awful Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: average Free Throw: respectable

Experience: inept

[New Zealand]
Point Guard
Jimmie Jericho (4437372)
Weekly salary: $ 2 618
DMI: 6700
Age: 28
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: awful Jump Range: atrocious
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: average
Driving: atrocious Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: inept Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: mediocre Free Throw: inept

Experience: awful

[New Zealand]
Point Guard
Clifton Pomersbach (4437363)
Weekly salary: $ 1 663
DMI: 3900
Age: 31
Height: 6'0" / 183 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: inept Jump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: awful
Driving: respectable Passing: inept
Inside Shot: inept Inside Def.: awful
Rebounding: awful Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: awful Free Throw: inept

Experience: mediocre

[New Zealand]
Point Guard
Clayton Popovic (4437362)
Weekly salary: $ 2 919
DMI: 7300
Age: 23
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: average Jump Range: awful
Outside Def.: inept Handling: respectable
Driving: average Passing: average
Inside Shot: average Inside Def.: inept
Rebounding: mediocre Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: average Free Throw: awful

Experience: pitiful

[New Zealand]
Shooting Guard
Mohd Zan bin Abd Majid (4437368)
Weekly salary: $ 3 480
DMI: 7800
Age: 27
Height: 6'5" / 196 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: average Handling: respectable
Driving: pitiful Passing: awful
Inside Shot: inept Inside Def.: pitiful
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: awful Free Throw: pitiful

Experience: atrocious

[New Zealand]
Shooting Guard
Zailizam bin Mahadzir (4437374)
Weekly salary: $ 3 096
DMI: 7200
Age: 18
Height: 6'3" / 190 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: average Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: average Handling: inept
Driving: respectable Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: awful Inside Def.: pitiful
Rebounding: awful Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: inept Free Throw: pitiful

Experience: atrocious

[New Zealand]
Shooting Guard
Emosi Kiernan (4437367)
Weekly salary: $ 1 773
DMI: 4200
Age: 18
Height: 5'11" / 180 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: mediocre Jump Range: inept
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: pitiful
Driving: respectable Passing: inept
Inside Shot: inept Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: inept Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: average Free Throw: atrocious

Experience: atrocious

Last edited by Hannan at 4/18/2008 12:53:02 AM

From: Hannan

This Post:
24904.2 in reply to 24904.1
Date: 4/18/2008 12:52:21 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

[New Zealand]
Shooting Guard
Lokmalhakim Yunos (4437359)
Weekly salary: $ 1 961
DMI: 4200
Age: 20
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: mediocre Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: inept
Driving: average Passing: inept
Inside Shot: mediocre Inside Def.: mediocre
Rebounding: pitiful Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: pitiful Free Throw: pitiful

Experience: atrocious

Experience: strong

[New Zealand]
Small Forward
Sri Jaafar bin Zainal (4437360)
Weekly salary: $ 2 063
DMI: 5100
Age: 19
Height: 6'5" / 196 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: atrocious Handling: mediocre
Driving: pitiful Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: average Inside Def.: inept
Rebounding: atrocious Shot Blocking: awful
Stamina: inept Free Throw: average

Experience: pitiful

[New Zealand]
Small Forward
Scotty Bull (4437366)
Weekly salary: $ 2 395
DMI: 5400
Age: 32
Height: 6'5" / 196 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: atrocious Handling: respectable
Driving: respectable Passing: atrocious
Inside Shot: inept Inside Def.: pitiful
Rebounding: inept Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: atrocious Free Throw: respectable

Experience: average

[New Zealand]
Power Forward
Steve McGrath (4437365)
Weekly salary: $ 1 343
DMI: 3400
Age: 26
Height: 7'0" / 213 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: inept Jump Range: atrocious
Outside Def.: awful Handling: inept
Driving: average Passing: awful
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: atrocious Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: respectable Free Throw: atrocious

Experience: inept

[New Zealand]
Power Forward
Tao Tanner (4437369)
Weekly salary: $ 3 092
DMI: 7500
Age: 30
Height: 6'9" / 206 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: inept Handling: awful
Driving: pitiful Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: pitiful Shot Blocking: inept
Stamina: pitiful Free Throw: strong

Experience: average

[New Zealand]
Tavita Buglass (4437375)
Weekly salary: $ 1 704
DMI: 4400
Age: 19
Height: 6'10" / 208 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: pitiful Jump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: pitiful
Driving: pitiful Passing: inept
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: awful
Rebounding: pitiful Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: respectable Free Throw: awful
Experience: atrocious

Sosaia Vukovic (4437376)
Weekly salary: $ 1 954
DMI: 4600
Age: 22
Height: 6'10" / 208 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: awful Jump Range: atrocious
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: pitiful
Driving: average Passing: inept
Inside Shot: mediocre Inside Def.: average
Rebounding: mediocre Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: inept Free Throw: awful
Experience: atrocious

Stephan Wildman (4437370)
Weekly salary: $ 3 131
DMI: 7300
Age: 31
Height: 6'11" / 211 cm
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: awful Jump Range: awful
Outside Def.: awful Handling: mediocre
Driving: pitiful Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: average
Rebounding: inept Shot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: mediocre Free Throw: atrocious

Experience: respectable

My current lineup

PG- Clayton Popovic
SG-Mohd Zan bin Abd Majid
SF-Scotty Bull
PF-Tao Tanner
C-Stephan Wildman


PG-Tom Arena
SG-Zalimbin bin mahadzir
SF-Sri Jaafar bin Zainal
PF-Steve McGrath
C-Tavita Buglass

Can some one please help me on what to train, tactics to use and if i need to buy/sell any player or change my lineup.
also how much money should i put in my scouting


Last edited by Hannan at 4/18/2008 12:54:29 AM

This Post:
24904.3 in reply to 24904.2
Date: 4/18/2008 3:30:39 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
basically the way training works is you either train guards, big men, or forwards. the most popular combinations are PG/SG or C/PF with some people rotating SF into the mix. looking at your team you have the most possible trainees in the guard position though you can choose whatever position you want. 18 year olds are the best to have as trainees so you can either pick up a few in the transfer market or just wait for the draft and proceed from there. until you figure out what you want to do just train stamina and free throws. put the highest amount you can into scouting since this is the end of the season.

since i train C/PF i can only tell you how to train them and not guards:
rotate these skills:
2 weeks inside shot
2 weeks inside defense
2 weeks rebounding
2 weeks shot blocking

i'm sure someone else with guard training experience can tell you the most popular methods of training them.

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
24904.4 in reply to 24904.2
Date: 4/18/2008 3:38:24 AM
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i'm to lazy to look over your roster, but i will suppose single position training for the beginning - because you just need three trainees. After a while you could afford, other trainee and could change on the skills you could only train with 2 positions.

This Post:
24904.5 in reply to 24904.3
Date: 4/18/2008 1:40:32 PM
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i'm sure someone else with guard training experience can tell you the most popular methods of training them.

Here's my advice for training guards:

I try to train as many of the 'guard' skills as possible. These skills are Jump Shot, Jump Range, Handling, Passing, Outside Defence and Driving. Instantly, you should see that guard trainers have a disadvantage over Big Guy trainers since our trainees need training in 6 skills. However, many forms of training that are relevant for guards will train handling and driving too.

I rotate the following skills over the 12 full training weeks of the season (ie. those where you will get three games), training PG and SG:
3 Weeks Pressure (trains Outside Defence and inside defence)
3 Weeks Passing (trains passing, handling and driving)
6 Weeks Jump Shot or Outside Shooting (trains jump shot, jump range, handling and driving)
In the two 'short' weeks I train either Free Throws or Stamina.

I do intend to do some One on One training (trains Handling and Driving) next season if my players level up early, but (perhaps controversially) its not a priority for me.

EDIT: Sorry, Acworth, should be replying to Hannan.

Hannan, you have 4 reasonable guards aged 23 or under who will make a decent basis for a guard-training program, so train one of the three skills mentioned in the rotation above for PG and SG. Try to get them 48 minutes each and remember to schedule a scrimmage next week - fancy a scrimmage?

Last edited by LA-The Phil at 4/18/2008 1:45:16 PM

This Post:
24904.6 in reply to 24904.1
Date: 4/18/2008 4:22:06 PM
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You have a couple of decent Guard Trainees especially Zailizam bin Mahadzir.

If you decide to train Guards I thing Jump Shot would be a good option in the beginning. Try to get some of the younger guys to reach Strong/Proficient in this and then sell them, and use the money to buy better trainees.

Jump Shot is by far the best guards skill if you want to sell. However, in order to get really good prices players should have a balanced skill set - and this is also important for contribution to your own team.

But keep Zailizam bin Mahadzir, he is a nice all round guard.

From: Hannan
This Post:
24904.7 in reply to 24904.6
Date: 4/18/2008 11:46:15 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks for your help
im training jumpshots now and trying to rotate my players, putting 40k into my scouting

can someone tell me what day does training happen?, it doesn't seem to say in the rules

From: Vikman

This Post:
24904.8 in reply to 24904.7
Date: 4/19/2008 12:26:03 AM
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can someone tell me what day does training happen?,
Training happens Friday morning. If you go to the weekly schedule page in the rules it should be the last item on the list.

Last edited by Vikman at 4/19/2008 12:26:13 AM

From: Hannan

This Post:
24904.9 in reply to 24904.8
Date: 4/19/2008 9:15:18 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
sorry didn't see that