Right now, I come up with a question,
Why were a player who has been played for a NT, never get a record of the match(es) they have played in their own page (Player Overview Page).
For example here are my players, Chairil Ohorella Risdianto
(5998393). He had 104 caps of the NT official matches, and 36 caps of the NT Friendly/Scrimmage matches. And Amrie bin Burhan
(16930027) who had 25 officials and 12 friendlies.
If you look at their player page, you can't see anything but five line notes which indicate their record sum of the special matches at the bottom of the Player History Page, like this :
Amrie bin Burhan has played in 24 competitive National Team games.
Amrie bin Burhan has played in 12 National Team scrimmages.
Amrie bin Burhan has played in 13 competitive U21 games.
Amrie bin Burhan has played in 5 U21 scrimmages.
Amrie bin Burhan has made 4 All-Star appearances.
Even if you can see the exact number of how many matches they have played for the National Team (Officials and Friendlies/Scrimmages, Senior and Junior) and All-Star match appearances, but then you will face a difficulties to know in which matches they have played for NT and in which All-Star matches they have voted to be played for.
Finally, a change that I want to see in this regard is, a record of the NT games played in the Player Overview page, just like record of the League matches, Cup Matches, Private League matches, and B3 matches..
What do you all think about it?
Happy BB!